
Kids are dumb. Really, really fucking dumb. It’s not their fault; they’re kids. But it’s for them that it’s so crucial to depict diversity from diverse characters so that, whatever their characteristics or personality traits, they’ll know that a) they’re not alone, b) they can be awesome too, and c) others, no matter

Well, that looks... fine. I was hoping to be way more pumped for it. Hopefully the trailer doesn’t do the film justice; with the people involved this could still be an amazing film. 

For all the (enjoyable) mockery, I actually loved that it embraced the entire mythology (while subverting it at the same time). There was no need to reference the Sith, or Darth Sidious, or the Jedi Council (terms from the prequels, not the original trilogy) - they could have avoided those in the way TFA and Rogue One

So I loved the film, but one of the issues I had with it was the lack of creativity with many of the elements. A lot of the ‘weirder’ things in the film are just normal things with a small aesthetic change; there was basically a Space casino, where they played Space craps and used Space slot machines (and there was

You can tease a mystery over multiple movies... but only if you’re the one actually making them. Otherwise you’re basically cheating by promising something with neither the intention nor the ability to pay it off. (He only agreed to direct IX after VIII had been finished, and he wouldn’t have to deal with any of the

While The Last Jedi has more than a few awkward moments, I would far rather see Johnson’s take on the last chapter than Abrams. I’m sure Abrams will deliver an enjoyable film with good character moments - The Force Awakens remains exactly that - but I doubt it can be as fundamentally interesting as Johnson’s

If there was a bit more time I probably would have got there, but it wasn’t enough time for me to consider that possibility (I was going through the various people we’ve seen in the arc, since like I said I was expecting Fitz to sit this one out completely). They basically tailor made that twist for me and what I

It shocked me. Largely because I was convinced Fitz wouldn’t show up until after the arc was resolved because of De Caestecker’s filming commitments. The grin on my face when he unmasked was worth it all :D

It’s great that you’ve taken charge and said ‘No, don’t have your opinion; my take on this - one devoid of levels or contemplation - is the right one, and anyone with even a slightly deviating opinion is in the wrong’. It was so pesky having to determine our own moralistic values, but now you’re here to do it for us!

He was a good character! He brought back a bit of the dorky energy that Michael had, while still being his own distinct character. I don’t know if we’ll see him back again, let alone whether he and Jane are truly done for good, but he was a nice addition.

Hear hear. I wouldn’t discount them doing that in the series finale, but if they are planning to do that they really need to make it clear how the characters [should] feel about Rose sooner rather than later. It’s the one big error I feel the show has made and not yet tried to correct.

I get that, and it’s a dicey area for them to be in, given that it could be seen based on the narrative so far that both Michael and Adam were just obstacles on the way to Jane and Raf being together. If they continue towards Jane/Rafael being the endgame, then that’s something I hope they’ll address (and they very

I loved Michael and was firmly #TeamMichael, but I still love this show, and am tentatively fine with them going in this direction.

I’m totally shipping May and Coulson. I wasn’t for the longest time - I actually quite liked her paired up with Andrew, and thought she and Coulson were great as friends - but their chemistry just got electric part way through season 4 (around the same time May herself got ‘electric’, hur de hur). I think it was that

You make an excellent point about there being no enthusiasm for the candidates, because it’s easier to rouse enthusiasm FOR someone AGAINST someone. It was an element of Hillary’s loss - the main reason people were saying to vote for her (by the end) was because people needed to vote against Trump. The Alabama

Disgraceful. FIR IS MURDER!

I only ever use it in the sense of ‘bitchy’ and of people ‘bitching’ about others/things, and in that it’s gender neutral. ‘Dicks’ is equally gender neutral for me; anyone can be a dick, and anyone can be a bitch.

Can we get some love for the opening few minutes? I thought that was masterfully done - the slightly cliched montage establishing a side character... who removes his skin to take a shower. That had me gripped. Great way to start a season.


Simply terrific television. Roll on the rest of the season!