D. Snorlax

In truth, and forswearing such loquacious answers that others might be prepared to give, being as they are not viewing this topic on such a mobile device as I do, and so far be it from me to include a picture, but it is clearly the fact obvious to all that the answer to your question is the delightful Mister Al

The long lost brother of Bebop and Rocksteady?

I was REALLY hoping this would say "Ovaltine" as I started to write the letters

Mystery Science Theater 3000: It takes place in outer space, so it counts.

Both have been in plenty of sci-fi material, and they've performed in plays together.

Now playing

I know it wasn't pointless to Rorschach, just seemed pointless to me. I liked the character.

Home Movies!



Why Assassin's Creed IV should be game of the year: Because after five failed attempts, Ubisoft finally gave me what I wanted from this series.

I can totally do it! Though, I not sure if i'm better than her at games but being Chinese, I'm probably predisposed to awesome nunchucku skillz. Lets see...

Here is your damn pokemon!

This story is...

That would be totally against what YouTube is for! Turning lists that would take 10 seconds to scan into 5 minute videos!

The 5 days listening to "Do Me Johnny Boker" while I playtested this game still haunt me. Love the shanties, but that song. Seriously.