D. Snorlax

That onix looks like it has a hint of Ralph Steadman

How about Radagast The Brown

I think this Terminator just Genesis in its huggies

Ok. I had 300.000 bucks when I beat the game. I'm now down to 50.000. Is there any way that you can think of to make some quick cash? Alls I can think of is grow berrys and make mulch to sell. I'm getting tired of beating the elite 4.

Seen this movie when I was really young. Havent seen it in a while. It was a good start to a scary movie obsession

gamer tag: DrunkSnorlax... i was looking for ideas about awesome gamer tags and i read on some website to put two things that don't go together. So i put my favorite Pokemon and what I like to do together. It is a good combo and have been using it for xbox ever since.... and it would be pretty funny to see one

Is DMX going to be in this game? cause he told me it wasn't a game and then barked at me.....

if it doesn't play Pokemon x or y i'm not interested..... jk

DIY costumes are the best

the curse- whoever wears this ring will have terrible children names

the curse- whoever wears this ring will have terrible children names

the curse- whoever wears this ring will have terrible children names

Mojo jo jo? lol

Anyone answer about the "super training'? is that like e.v. training or something?

14 hours..... i had to work

ok. don't wear 'obsession" in the amazon.... noted

but now i know not to mess with em

I probably would have done the same thing, my daughter loves to learn about new animals.

That would be a good Children s book "Noisy- The Disabled Crow"

Did anyone else sing that while reading it?