
The resemblance is uncanny. Why didn't I notice it before?

I made this yesterday out of a burst of inspirations I might as well put it here.


Sonic needs this for an Alt costume in Smash 4 now.

I never got into the series in the first place so now is as good a time as any.

And the Wii was any different? Frankly they should've done this sooner.

The neat part is because all have unique heads you can figure out which is which by feeling for them in the pack. Just don't do it at a store that has them near the counter.

How much would it cost to give an army of Captain Americas jetpacks?

True, let's hope the dipweed ratio in Google doesn't exceed tolerable amounts. They've done good so far...

The same dipweeds that forced google plus on youtube?

Well maybe now the award can got to someone a little more deserving.

Maybe that's why Team Fortress is so popular. We all yearn to once again wear hats without society judging us.

I think it's still in the prototype stage in terms of aesthetics. Still, it's been half a century since wearing things on the head besides glasses has been socially acceptable so it's an uphill battle.

I guess the weird pad on the Ps4's controller wasn't doohickey enough.

As much as I want to punch people who use the expression, as it makes them sound like ponces: it's too little, too late.

Can we actually see the original concepts or did they burn them?

Not sure about NTTE's gameplay but it still makes me laugh.

Simpsons Road Rage was a rip off that wasn't too bad.

I never understood why little kids think tough talk and racist rants are the same thing. Maybe they just know both things are ones they shouldn't be doing and mix the two thinking it'll make them sound super mature.

This is the rub when games become sports I guess. You get all the sh*t that comes from gambling. I hope he fully recovers.