
Why would anyone pay for this

What an odd looking person!

Yes, and that was stupid as hell. Personally, I prefer to live in a civilized society governed by rule of law. If you don't, maybe you ought to pack up and move to Somalia.

First, they came for the criminals, and I did not speak out — because I am not a criminal. Then... well actually that's fine, carry on.

How about "attack"?

What the fuck are you talking about? If you or I punched somebody in the face, that's a crime. Are you saying just because Clarkson is rich and famous, he should be above the law? I suppose this would be a witch hunt, if witches were real, acts of witchery were illegal, and one was caught doing witch-things.

I thought it was the first car that spun out.

It's too bad it had to end like this. I've always been a Clarkson fan, but if what's been reported is true, then he deserves to be fired just like any other person would be.

Those lashes...

But he's got great football IQ!

I wonder if you could sell enough of this car to get under the LeMons limit. Those wheels look like they might fetch some good money.

Hey hey, ho ho! Stupid chants have got to go!

People still troll and act like dicks on Facebook, even with their real names attached.

Is this satire? It reads like satire.

How old are you?

Who gives a shit?

It may or may not stop him from breaking one or more of your tail lights.

It's actually a game about ethics in game journalism.

I thought for sure this would come out the other way. Those songs don't really sound the same.

Reminds me of the Donald Sterling deposition from a while back: