
Oh I'm sorry, I suppose the next thing you're going to tell me is that violets aren't blue!?

Great text on the image up top.

Amber is an unusual color for a rose, as roses are often red. It's a joke based on her pseudonym.

Does the STi make the WRX irrelevant?

That is a very large 6th grader.

Stitched to the ground.

Payouts to activist investors reduce the amount of capital on hand, as you mentioned. The companies have limited cash and have to incur large amounts of debt to finance their operations. In order to maintain that kind of leverage, there must be sufficient cash flow. But when companies fall on hard times, all too

Is it impossible to appreciate the Hellcat without being a neanderthal like the dude in this video? What a twat.

That's a hot take!

The Champagne of Mayors.

What's your beef with Bill Nelson?

Because racecar.


Sometimes I see people venerating the sound of some cars like this, and I realize that I don't know what is supposed to sound "good."

"Just asking questions," which you allude to, is the province of cranks and morons.

Glad I'm not the only one!

Did the Holocaust actually happen? Just asking questions!! ;)

Idiots pay gas taxes too, you know.

SB XLIX was a false flag, and I've got the youtube evidence to prove it
