
Hears "Worms 3"...

This is clearly sexist as the male icon in the sign is clearly playing towards a male power fantasy while leaving the icon of the woman as nothing more then the regular female icon. This suggests that women are somehow inferior to the men and dis empowers women.

"Some readers may find it offensive"

You can literally get several thousands of dollars in games by buying one of the $50 publisher bundles. Individual games also go on sale for cheap too (I think 75% off). I guarantee that if you check on the sale daily, you will find something you want.

To tell you the truth, no...I think this pic of Ralph, while 8-bit, is STILL better resolution than the crap my kids are watching. Thankfully, they don't have too discerning tastes yet, so I don't think it bugs them as much as me. Here is misleading DVD box:

It's Burlesque, just not good burlesque.

This pretty much says it all. Except, technically you're just double-clicking a file when pirating, not inserting a DVD.

Well this is awkward..I pirate, because I'm a broke college student, and I'm not going to waste money on anything that isn't necessary right now.

Exactly this. These 10 years olds think that "cloud computing", digital games, selling, trading, digital games somehow needs all these restrictions. It pisses me off to no end.

Gabe Newell: Anyway, this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist.

(funny comment edited because of 1 million replies saying the same thing.)

You know what I hate? Getting angry at people standing in the middle of an aisle in the supermarket, when I'm sitting in front on my Laptop. *starts breathing exercises*

I suggest a Death Battle between the two.

Usually a joke stays funny for awhile, but then people start doing the same thing over and over with little variation and it stops being funny.

'Why the chicken crossed the road' is a funnier joke and that's supposed to be bad.

that's cool valve.

Now make that one game I actually care about.

You mean...

Kotaku's pro-dinosaur bias in action!

How is that silly? That's a perfectly legitimate reason as to not release it for both. It's not their fault Microsoft isn't willing to let its players mesh with those of other areas. Besides, who wants to pay for two online subscriptions to play one game? Oh you're so silly Xbox.

Great advice! I am an AMD CPU fanboy as well... But I really don't find a major difference between same classes of CPUs... My take is, I'll take a cheaper price, competitive frames, support for an underdog and more cores!

This is obviously a very basic overview of when brands matter. We could write a book on every brand out there for every different component, but that would take forever and be obsolete as soon as it came out, so hopefully this should give you beginners a pretty good idea of what you're looking for.