
Well if we're going back that far, dont forget the persecutions from the catholic church

The VO's are pretty damn good though

Its why I said in a sense :P

Moments like these make me wonder if I too sound like my fellow countrymen, I sincerely hope I dont lol

It is unfair to them, their parents came over to take the shitty jobs we didnt want and now a lot of people want them gone. Theyre Europe's Mexicans in a sense.

Euhm thats why I havent made any offer of a solution and I said at every turn that they only people that can change this are their respective community... unless you wanna argue that people like Kanye and Lil Wayne are good role models.

Theyre not actual identifyers of a culture, it has become one though and thats sad.

I elaborated on it somewhere else, its a lot to explain and Im kinda tired after a few other comments

Yes Im a horrible person for wanting equality for everyone...

Whoa, who said anything about criminalizing them?

White privilege? There is no white privilege over here. If that were the case then why do people of colour have higher functions than me even though I possess the exact same skills? I dont mind them being in such a function or position, Im just giving an example of how it works over here

That would be theft so yes, if they asked for help and I could offer it I would.

How is it a discrimination when independent studies have shown that a lot of these families have trouble adapting to their new environment. Girls dont get harassed by 'white' kids as much as they do by Moroccans. Most of the shoplifting and petty crimes is being done by these minorities. The drugs are generally

First of all, press enter a few more times ;p

These laws dont exist anymore, thus legally everyone is equal as a citizen of the US.

Im probably mistaken then, nvm me!

Worst part is that I lost the key after a few moves, luckily by that time Steam was up to scratch and it was in my library :P

What more do you want to right? Black, white, asian, brown etc, everyone is equal, there is nothing more to make right. What about the Irish? Or the asians? They too were 'imported' to do labour for peanuts, not as bad as the slaves but not much better either. Does anyone have to make right by them?

I thought it was on sale on the first day though? Could be wrong