A big point for flash cards: Fan translations. Nanashi no Game!
A big point for flash cards: Fan translations. Nanashi no Game!
Most 7-year-olds could probably beat me at Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
Except you're about three minutes late in a race that's never mattered to anyone, ever. ;)
He never buys them... His mom does.
Yeah, PC's today with their thin cables. Give me my wide ribbon cables any day.
At the very least they could've gotten a hot babe who actually knew how to build PCs to do the add =/
Hey at least she is more convincing when she plays her games than any western actor in recent memory.
That explains the flood of low IQ comments. There should be a way to block Deadspin users.
Spoken like ignorance incarnate
You're on a website dedicated to video games. Let's keep some perspective.
Because it's totally different from EVO, MLG, LoL, and DOTA tournaments because little kids happen to play the games, gotcha.
I left SWTOR for GW2, and while the figurine for Darth Malgus is neato, Rytlock beats it easily.
More or less why I quit the game as well ... Will be remembered by the nice CE figure I guess :(
Swtor haven't done premium content right since day 1, where the collector's edition users got nothing even with promises of their store updates.
A million credits is impossible to get if you are a f2p player.
I think the problem is related to those who pay into the subscription model not getting an update for free rather than the idea of having this as something you pay for. If the game was a pure F2P game then it probably wouldn't be too bad. But, like DDO, those who do subscribe kinda expect every new story/mission/quest…
Basic food safety rule all restaurants are acutely aware of: do not store prepared and raw food in same place (even if it comes in shells).
Seriously? Eggs shells are actually white in America?