Theres no shame in not getting sarcasm, sometimes its so subtle it only works in your mind
Theres no shame in not getting sarcasm, sometimes its so subtle it only works in your mind
I have no preference to an analogue stick over a d-pad and power is irrelevant since the DS can emulate everything except PSP
Not over here it isnt, I bought mine just fine with normal bankcard and points cards? Never even heard of them let alone seen them. Even if the R4 was only purchasable with a CC I can easily borrow one for a single transaction, calling my friend every time I want to buy a game is annoying.
Exactly, I know a lot of parents who use the R4 not even thinking about piracy because it provides their kid with those shitty 10min games and a metric ton of em at that
Sometimes I cant help myself but to stare, this isnt unique to cosplayers but more to beautiful women. And objectifying? You mean like thinking them nothing more than a great body that Id like to bang? Oh yea.... never doing that >_>
Wow, thats a pretty bad analogy since I would still pay Nintendo to have access to their dining facility. The only one suffering would be one of the cooks who could be from various places (aka thee developer/publisher)
Its the old saying "Look but dont touch", its not like they dont do it ;p
Yes youre right, I dont play the game and never played it...
If anything its a compliment! And if theyre paid to do it (not all are fans after all) then they can take comfort that they made some 20yo's drool meaning they did their job right
If sarcasm needs explanation is usually a case of the dumb... people can actually be dumb enough not to understand a joke you know
Euhm these days geek/nerd are social groupidentities just like rocker or skater or gearhead or... I dont know any more since Im not good with social stuff, BUT ITS THERE!
10 years ago: "There are no women on the internet!" and even though people acted tough they secretly wanted girls so they could hit on them
Man Id put that sticker on myself!
If you have to explain sarcasm its usually a simple case of the dumbs. ;)
And even on the off chance you are fake the end result after a day of con'ing will be: youre now real or you stop faking it
Demo's is a huge problem and also the length of games these days. Im not buying a game that provides 8-10h of game time, thats simply not worth it. Also the economy made pirating more acceptable throughout the world and a lot of people I know havent been able to afford a game since 2008
mashed new potatoes? Dafuq are those?!
Bacon bro!
Some of them are fun but its like the Android/iOS market, theyre worth a buck or 2 but these are selling full price