
Oh I have no doubts about that, Ive done it myself as well and Im not ashamed to admit it but since Im tired of having this age old discussion of "Piracy is bad!" vs "I wouldnt have bought it anyway" I will pleasantly say

  • THEN THATS PRETTY SHIT AS WELL! Just because another MMO also has the issue it doesnt become acceptable!

I know its a good emulator and maybe by now its worth picking up a 2nd hand for cheap but not gonna go out of my way for it

So many things, the docs are still trying to figure that one out ;p

  • Yes I know bugs are inherent to MMO's, dont think Im an idiot. I dont mind smaller bugs but game breaking bugs shouldnt even make the live server if they had already been discovered on the test server.

Buy games digitally = having a creditcard. Unlike the US, it is not common to have one in Europe or Australia so the excuse of buying digitally doesnt fly

Piracy is very broad. If I emulate a 20 year old game from the NES its piracy

and regular hacks! pokemon received a lot of them

See thats the thing, a lot of people wanted to play old games but on the go and not all was available nor at a reasonable price

Nope never owned a PSP, never liked Sony handhelds

Theres pro's and cons for flashcarts

My hero! Cheers

Anyone have a direct link? Its US only seemingly

Agreed, and Im not even THAT bad ;p

Nah it didnt do it that great imo, there was always the pressure from the community.

Hmmm for some reason I was thinking of the wrong game

Who says they want to or even need to cater to casual public? Not every single MMO has to be casual and if you dont have the time or skill to adapt to the game then the game isnt for you.

Personal experience. When I had a job and social life getting money took way longer than when I was unemployed and poor irl.

I raided with several toons meaning I had to pay several repairbills. I didnt play all the time and when I did it was lvling alts or raiding. I had 10 sub 50 alts that all needed gear. I had crafters but not the right ones. So no, a million isnt that easy when you have maintenance costs.

Wow thats pretty narrowminded. Theres a lot of PC gamers who never built a PC before because theyre too young or simply didnt know better. And the type of console gamers you refer to would simply buy a Razer laptop or something