I worked in the UAE last year for 11 months. It was one of the mega projects that the royal families do to try to one up each other. I was specifically working for the Khalifa family.
I worked in the UAE last year for 11 months. It was one of the mega projects that the royal families do to try to one up each other. I was specifically working for the Khalifa family.
Remember at launch when everyone said Little Mac was OP? What about Bowser at the first Nintendo Tournament? How's that working out these days? Those kneejerk opinions changed fast.
I realize Diddy, Bowser, and Mac are very different, but the underlining theme is still the same. The game is too young, people are…
Or is the Dubai slave labor still ongoing?
Well, let's see; there hasn't been legal slavery in the USA since 1865. Can't see how the UAE can make the same claim, seeing as how the government ignores the de facto slavery that many workers suffer. But sure, the US is just the same.
Someone said something funny? Where?
Vacationing in the UAE, a dictatorship built on slave labor. Go fuck yourselves.
God forbid someone look like a 40 year old mom. How gross.
I don't see an artist,i see a very bored rich woman with a lot of time on her hands
I know there were criticisms in the past about the lack of reporting on womens oppressions in countries other than America and Canada, but there comes a time where it becomes more colonialist rubbernecking at the unenlightened pleb countries and not supportive at all, and that time has come. If you would mix it up…
"Granted, it's not a flawless run.Silverhawkz0 does die a few times, and the player also occasionally uses a different sniper rifle, as well as a rocket launcher in conjunction with No Land Beyond."
Unfortunately, what you just said was super sexist! Try again. MRAs are not bad because they show emotion and don't perform masculinity in the way you think they should. They're bad because they're misogynist shitheads.
It sadly happens in a lot of places. When I take my son to the park more often than not I get stared at by at least one parent in such a way that it's clear they wonder whether I'm supposed to be there, or if I'm some pervert there watching the kids. It doesn't even make a difference if he piles his jacket and hat…
To play Devil's Advocate a bit: why should the show only feature heart-warming episodes? Let's be real, many CEOs are assholes and beyond help. Nothing wrong with showing that.
Strange, but I can't really judge. Every year my president pardons a turkey from being killed and eaten for Thanksgiving, before going on to eat a... different turkey. So.
It was a response to your take that "the world is such a terrifying place for children and parents." That's something of a "fear culture" sentiment that is perpetuated by much of the media. Our children are, in many ways, far safer now than they've ever been. It's hardly constructive for children and parents to feel…
We might laugh, but I've never seen an Argentinian werewolf so it's clearly working.
Oy. Violent crime against children in the U.S. has actually gone WAY down overall over the decades, but much of the hysterical media would love for you to believe the world is a "terrifying" place for them.
You don't find them funny or witty because you aren't the target demographic. Dad jokes are—and always have been—funny only to the dad who tells them. Whether he knows it or not, this man's target audience is literally just himself. And he's killing it with that audience.
Both your statements are invalid. Pushing a nuke around a "public" railroad system is just plain stupid. Freight trains get humped/switched in a yard and if you designate the entire train as a fixed-consist launch platform it become easy to identify. MX Rail Garrison gave up early on this notion and instead relied…