...but lived in total peace with their Jewish and Christian subjects.
...but lived in total peace with their Jewish and Christian subjects.
You somehow overlooked that Mohammad guy. He wasn't exactly a hippie...
Actually not everyone- some are only able to make giant penises and that's about it
Not everyone has a big happy family and sometimes the people you meet online and spend some much time with even if its just in a vitrual world and youve never seen them face to face you consider as your family
or you don't need some arbitrary made up reason to see your family. I'm don't need Christmas to spend time with family and i certainly don't need people telling me when i should see them or play my games.
My very Jewish fiancé started telling his elementary school classmates that Santa wasn't real - after they made fun of him for refusing to sing Christmas carols in their public school music class. I never could figure out which side of the ethical line that fell on.
Ugh, Santa is the goddamn worst. I don't think I ever believed in him (I was always too good at finding Christmas presents hidden in the back of closets or the attic). But it's a bullshit idea anyway. My parents worked incredibly hard to have things to give to us on Christmas, so it only seems fair that they should…
Well, rock bands are now boxed into the indie category and don't get mainstream airtime. The rap and hip hop stuff that makes it onto the radio is mostly about going to the club with bundles of cash to pick up some ladies with big booties. Pop was never the stream for this sort of song.
They're less common, but some Greco-Roman mythological figures were children of mortal men and goddesses. Aeneus' mother was Venus, and Achilles was the son of a nymph.
With All the Protests, Why Are Artists So Afraid of Protest Music?
Because coolness is in ICU. Because coolness isn't something you buy or wear or have pierced. It's about caring about something other than your brand and image, about giving a shit or two about things that are genuinely important, about speaking intelligently and fearlessness in the face of criticism. Having the balls…
Beyonce is too busy skiing to actually walk the walk. Posing in front of a big feminist sign was good for publicity, but then it was back to the same worthless trash.
Creating a human being out of thin air?Seriously, that's preposterous, nobody would believe that... Now "virgin impregnated by a mythical figure (angel) on behalf of a God" on the other hand...
My favorite mission from Blood Money besides the White House mission. God that game was great.
Pretty sure Bandit up there said they liked it BECAUSE the author didn't do that..
There's a (very common) misconception here that deserves to be cleared up - Jesus isn't free from original sin because he was born to a virgin, he was free from original sin because of the Immaculate Conception, which actually concerns the birth of Mary. MARY was free from original sin, despite being birthed by…
I think it's simpler than that. Virgin birth of a male hero firmly establishes divine paternity. It's not only distancing the hero from female sexuality, it's distancing him from ordinary humans. The hero is not just a hero, but a demi-god. He is not only a hero by skill, luck, and adventurousness, but by divine…
Yes, of course. That's the point, isn't it? That either these women themselves put out this narrative or people made it up after to add power to the reputation of these men and their families
I would be completely fine with the U.S. moving our limit much closer to 0%. The argument I've heard is that 'Well, what if you're at a baseball game and have 2 beers or 2 glasses of wine with dinner and need to get home?'
Personally, I think my husband would have rather seen a turd, than coming around the curtain to meet our daughter and realizing that all of the organs on a table were MY organs, sitting outside of my body, waiting to get put back in. Oh, and then he had to hold me up the first time I showered, because the giant wound…