
Actually Ryu’s not that much older than Sakura. Maybe 7-10 years tops.

Yeah. It is. It’s also completely free. Meaning everyone will have the same version of the game.

It’s just the game with the update already applied. Tomorrow every copy of the game will have that update available.

I love ArcSys, but they seriously need to figure out how to do dlc. The Japanese gaming industry as a whole seems to have a hard time grasping how to do dlc well.

It’s still the same game. The retail version is for people who don’t have it yet. It comes with the first two seasons of characters, and a few costumes. Gameplay updates for SFV will always be free.

Costing $10 is no excuse for being actual trash.

Seriously. This is the sort of thing you give to high school seniors, or college students, who are specifically in a class to learn about these things. Not children.

Isn’t she that player that a bunch of guys wouldn’t stop accusing of cheating, until she recorded herself playing to prove it?

There is no Team Four Star, thus your list is meaningless.

Jack Kirby would have been so happy to see the way people are treating this movie. The entire reason he created the character, was because he knew how important representation is, and the effect super heroes can have on children. They needed a hero that looked like them.

It’s nice seeing a positive meme emerge, when it could have easily gone south real fast.

Even before the internet. It’s just that before the internet, you only had to worry about them at conventions.

This is bull. There was a story about a highly skilled female Overwatch player. Guys couldn’t accept that she was just as good as them, and kept accusing her of cheating. She eventually had to record herself playing, just to prove she wasn’t. I have never heard of a single male gamer ever having to do something like

I haven’t played it in years, but I liked it. If you like dungeon crawlers, I would suggest it. You’d probably be better off emulating it though. It was a Saturn exclusive, and is pretty expensive these days.

It’s a bit sad that they only ever made one follow up to this particular part of the Shining series, Shining the Holy Ark. I played through that game almost as many times as I did Shining Force.

After that, Sega massively dropped the ball on the Shining series. It still really annoys me that they just started calling the action rpgs Shining Force.

The best metaphor I’ve heard is that Sony and MS are having a console war, while Nintendo is off having a pool party.

As far as I know, every single XBO exclusive is getting a pc release. If you have a good pc, there is literally no reason to get an Xbox.

Dan was pretty great is SFIV. He and Dudley were my mains, and I think I had a higher win ratio with Dan. The greatest Dan player was a guy called STRIPFIGHTERIV. He managed to beat Daigo’s Ryu.

Everyone knows you can trust Q.