
“but Barron and Tiffany should be 100 percent off-limits.”



Chelsea is a master of the unfailingly polite “fuck you.” She’s kind of my hero.

Hot taek:

Holy crap, I live locally and I do not remember hearing about this (although I don’t doubt that it happened). It’s sad that these types of things have started to happen so frequently around here that they all start to run together.

It also plays into the narrative that young boys shouldn’t have girls as friends, and I think not learning to have girls as friends really fucks dudes up later on; that’s where we seem to get the idea that yall are something alien rather than just another person going through a lot of the same shit.

and they always bring up the fact that suicides account for a large majority of gun related deaths as if it’s a point towards their argument that guns shouldn’t be regulated and should readily accessible to everyone.

yammering about a sudden decline in the “sanctity of life”is clueless at best.

Again, their lack of awareness is stunning. Rural and small towns are seeing upticks in gun-related deaths as well - mostly domestic violence and suicides though, which go into the “we don’t want to talk about it” column.

This sounds like the noises in my head when I got up this morning & saw what Mr. C had done to the kitchen overnight. It looks like drunk toddlers had a dinner party. Cake frosting on the inside of the refrigerator door handle? Really?

This creature refers to others as “animals”. He looks like the third guy from the left on the evolution poster.

Unsurprisingly, Trump has beady eyes like two piss holes in the snow

It’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these incels from the internet area ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re discriminated against because they don’t have enough sex. It’s like, Jesus get a hobby. For Christ’s sake, you — you — ”

When was the last time we had a school shooting and someone even muttered “Things are looking good”?

Trump attempting to express compassion is an exercise in futility. He’s like an alien landing on earth attempting to communicate

Well duh, when women have full autonomy of their bodies the crops whither and die!

Pence keeps asking about the difference between mother and motherfucker. Someone needs to tell him one is his wife and the other is his boss.

From the HuffPo article:

hahaha Kim Un is Un-inviting Trump...