
While I overall enjoyed the episode, this was the first Black Mirror that disappointed me regarding how lazy the writing of the technology felt. One of the genius aspects of Black Mirror is how it not only conveys plausible-feeling technology, but how it is able to so efficiently show the audience exactly what we need


T-rex costume pic just has me thinking, “Oh my word, such magnificent big hands!”

It really pissed me off when I thought we were at war with Eurasia, only to be told that, in fact, we were at war with Eastasia and had always been at war with Eastasia.

There are just so many points per episode where I grimace and think, “What was the purpose of making this a prequel?” It adds nothing and only gums up literally every part of the process by making viewers wonder about how it fits into the timeline, where this technology and that alien race went, etc. It’s frustrating

The Space Jockeys are not aliens who come from the far dark unknown reaches of space, but are actually human beings who are responsible for humans being on Earth in the first place. Also, an android that we created, David, turns out to have created the Xenomorph.

Well, Discovery has certainly fucked over the entirety of the Star Trek universe, to the point where (yet again) one wonders why they didn’t just call the show something else.

Hopefully this starts off a Ceres of cheesy puns.

Dwarf planets are the nicest celestial bodies. Any time you have a question they’re always asking “Haumea help you?”

Now playing

Definitely. I never even liked the Klingons that much, but all those Klingon characters you mention? I remember them vividly. They all had so much personality.

Hell, even Worf managed a lot of personality... and the whole point of him was that he was the most straight-laced, straight-faced Klingon in Star Trek

Can’t wait to find out who Rey’s parents are!!!

My mental image of what I perceive a doomsday prepper to be like, has convinced me that I don’t want to live with them in the world they’re preparing for. They may be right, we may one day see our civilization collapse and all out chaos ensue. But isn’t it better to devote your time, energy and money to making sure

I swear to god if I were a baby born on Mars and found out that millions of other people can go outside, and swim, and go skiing, or do any of the things that we can do whenever we want, while I’m stuck inside a shitty Martian base, I would straight up murder my parents for condemning me to a life on that shitty red

Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.

To your first point:

ATTN Serious Thinkers,

You’re pretty dumb. How else would they run? The rail of the camera only went that way, and going in any other direction and the shot would be ruined. They’ll have to build a new building size spaceship prop to fall again. Ridley just want some to keep the film budget down.

I guess he’s more of a hard sci-fi fan. That explains why Elizabeth and Meredith ran in a straight line away from the Engineer’s falling spaceship as opposed to turning left or right.

This is a rookie mistake. The spine of the old god is meant to be installed as part of the building foundation, not a center piece in the bloody lobby. The dark one’s will can cause headaches and nausea when the dosage is this high!