
I am deeply regretting trying to make a joke today.

I had a prof who would mark you down a point if you said or wrote “I think.” Unless you were directly quoting someone, she expected your paper to be made up of your thoughts and she did not need to be told that. You were also allowed one “be” verb per page. She had a private war on lazy writing. She was one of those

Dumai Wells. Fuck. That would make anything on GoT look like a kid playing with lego.

Yes? Have you? The series definitely has its issues, but like I said, if it’s adapted right, it can be a rival to GoT. By adapted, I don’t mean shot scene for scene. There would need to be a cleansing the likes of which have not been seen since Winter’s Heart. It would require actual rewriting, and reordering, and

Agreed. Cut out the bad stuff (of which there is very little), remove the HUGE amount of irrelevant padding from the middle books and it’s pretty much gold.

Adapted right, this could absolutely rival GoT.

She’s 4th, Lan is 3rd. Lan is consistent throughout, upfront about who he is, and gets growth without changing that.

Man, I hope they do this right. And by that I mean plan out the whole run before it happens, get enough money to do it right, and hire a team that knows the source material intimately. WoT has serious, deep flaws, but the core story and world are fascinating and often great. A good storyteller could do the first three


Blood and bloody ashes people! Light burn you if this doesn’t happen!

I think the larger issues that make “recoloring” black actors more problematic is that there are relatively none or few in these films to whom such does not happen, while there are plenty of white actors who aren’t “recolored” in the same films. There’s Quill and many other white characters in Guardians; there are

A little piece of me wants Sansa to rule it all.

1) Find a good local jeweler that doesn’t have to ship your stuff out to work on it. My rings are cheap and also from Kohls but it's what I could afford at the time and don't really need to upgrade. . I have a good local jeweler that I trust for sizing and cleaning and they do a great job.

Yeahhh, sports bras are the bane of my existence. Pretty much the only ones that fit me are hideous granny bras, which is a problem when you are a belly dancer and everyone just wears bras to dance in. Shopping for sports bras is an exercise in humiliation and frustration and I hate it.

This is also funny because of the big “Bernie or Bust” movement. You say you’re interested in change and will remain consistently engaged and make the change happen...yet you’ve stated you’re going to abandon the electoral process if guy doesn’t get the nom. That’s not how that works. At all.

Yeah, I'm not sure what else he's be eating with that proboscis.

People generally rebel on liquid focused diets - there’s something about solid food that humans just psychologically need.

Vision in a sweater is awesome, but Paul Rudd continues to be goddamn delightful.

I watched the one of Scott meeting Captain, and let me tell you something, it’s the best thing I’ve seen about this movie yet.