Sometimes I feel like the concept of intent is lost in conversations like this. But I agree, intent really does matter.
Sometimes I feel like the concept of intent is lost in conversations like this. But I agree, intent really does matter.
Yeah, absolutely. Right now, I could certainly be angling to get ahead, move up, make more money, but . . . the stability I have right now is incredible, and I'm really fucking lucky to have it (especially in a field that allows me to preserve my sense of moral integrity). And that's so much more valuable to me, at…
I try to explain this to people all the time. I am about to graduate college and I have a degree in something that interests me, but does not necessarily thrill me and I wouldn't exactly say I have a passion in it. I have known for a while that I will be the type of person who lands a job that doesn't entirely suck,…
You can't get a show like this made for women. I know a fair amount about the industry and execs and networks do not want to put women in these roles, nor do they want to finance shows in which women are survivalists. The view is that the market they're trying to attract is men, and men would rather watch men do these…
what you mean we should talk about form of self expression sweeping through our society instead of ineffectually blaming them on narcissism? HOW DARE YOU.
Oh, that was a woman who touched my breasts... Yeah. In front of a bunch of men (one of which is my life partner :) ).
Extra stupid to hit on the boss's daughter, though I wouldn't put it past people. Some people are super sleazy and stoopid.
Not everyone is comfortable in their own skin, and Scot's bravery might open the door for someone else in their community to embrace their true selves sooner rather than later.
I wish Ms. Scot the best, and I don't envy her for a heartbeat. Here is hoping her employers treat her with the respect she deserves.
I get what you are saying, but it is literally a requirement that you publicly announce name changes so that people know that there is a continuation in person hood. It doesn't seem untoward, in the absence of specific threats not to reveal the old name, especially if the new name (and face) are shown.
Via the excellent Kate Beaton -
I am happy to hear that bisexuals are hugely endowed. I hope they use it well, and touch many people.
I believe that last one is from a horror film.
JESUS CHRIST. That last one could be a horror movie by itself.
The alien emerging from the phone is FOR-ACTUALLY nightmarish. Horrible, horrible, no good. Meep. I now need a juicebox and a hug.
Holy shit. I thought cell phones were a modern wonder of human technology. Turns out they really do just trap demons in those things.
seriously, the microwave is actually creating a sentient being out of that last object.