
Some Russians have a more romantic view of the etymology of this toast/chant: they shout "горько" because the world is so bitter, and only a sweet kiss can undo that. It's so cheesy but so cute.

I can tell you the sign says "bitter." Apparently everyone takes shots of vodka and then chants "Bitter!" until the couple kisses for as long as possible to remove the bitter taste of alcohol...and then they turn into uncooked chickens in doll clothes. So.

Oh they have answers...we're just too scared to know.

If SHE is the succubus, I'm in.

"As a woman in game development, I have only so much political capital to spend before I get dismissed as a chick, [as] crazy, hysterical, shrill, stupid, not a real woman, not a real gamer,"

Why would you be confused? The answer is obviously yes.

NOT FIFTYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a nerdy girl, let me just recommend strongly that you don't attempt to "hide" your nerdiness from potential dates either.

Give it to me now!

Oh damn. Sold already. I have sadz.

What I was much thinner (and younger) I used to pull this look off all the time.

I was totally thinking sexy nightgown too! She looks tired and messy hair and makeup in the second photo but still sexy, like wake up next to her look.

Yup, makes me think of this.

It does look a bit like very formal nightwear, but she really pulls it off. And I doubt Tyra gives any fucks, anyway.

That's awesome.

Haha, when I was 14 I tried to get a ticket to see Gladiator (R) with a note from my mom. They turned me down so instead I got a ticket for Flintstones 2 Viva Rock Vegas and walked into Gladiator anyway. An usher caught me about 30 minutes in to kick me out and call my mom to tell her what I had done. My mom was like,

Heavy Hard! Heavy Hard!

I just think American's need to join Canadian's and have your Thanksgiving in October like us and then you'll have more time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Plus it's warmer in October and you can be outside and it's a nice time of year with Halloween right after too. I swear, just create a petition or something.

My grandmom's birthday is 2 days before Christmas, and she'll get sad if people use Christmas paper on her gifts, or wait until Christmas to give her a present. When she was growing up, a lot of people gave her combined gifts with one of her sisters and told her it was for her birthday, too. But she's like 70 years