
There you go:

Bah. Just like a speciesist institution like the zoo to give a job to a human and make him up to look like an equine instead of the many hardworking and unemployed Centaurs, Kelpies, Pookas and Hippocamps who would love to take that job.

The arms look weird to me, and I can barely tell the difference with the pecs. But I guess wearers of this shirt are not actually looking for this anyway:

fingers crossed!

... and they are all gone. Curses - this looked pretty neat to try.

She's already backed down and attempted to bury one form of crazy with regards to the autism thing - for a while she insisted that her autistic son was in fact an "Indigo Child". Basically that his symptoms were not an indication of a disease, but that he instead had special powers, which is why he acted differently

Yes, me to. I wanted to fedex them one of these:

Yup - and I blame my mother, who got such wonderful glee from going after our adolescent blemishes for us. When those Biore pore strip things came out, she was in heaven. I got the bug, and my brother now won't let anyone touch his face *pouts*

My favourite thing about this video is the look of genuine panic on his face as the Doritos fire rises higher and higher :p

Me too! My commute is ~ 2 K (or a little under a mile and a half for you Americans).


Shit, my hometown of Calgary needs a few new pedestrian bridges. We did lose a bunch in this spring's 100 year flood.

Please do! I dug it up expressly for the purpose of Dance Magic Dance internet threads :D

I was hoping this would happen :D

Good thing you managed to avoid sounding racist there! It was a real close call -_-.

Theme Hospital ^

Geeze. In my day we just had to make up fake cleared memory screens for our TI-83's ...

I would say absolutely yes to the HPV, and probably a no to the implants and the vibrator, with caveats.

I bet you are right - the window washers always scare the crap out of me when they do the windows at my work (because loud noises, followed by humans hanging out outside 17 stories up are a bad combo)

That's probably why they put apple headphones in the picture :D