
What Tesla can do that? I don’t think that’s accurate. As far as I’ve read the F150 is the only EV on sale that can do it. 

To do this, the EX90 will be the first Volvo fitted with bi-directional charging, following in the footsteps of models like the Ford F-150 Lightning pickup, which also offers the feature.

And having more manufacturers doing this is bad because?

As silly as this might sound, no physical buttons for climate control is a major no for me.

These have low key been better than most Bond movies and Cruise gets little credit for killing it for over 20+ years.

I think that happened somewhere just before the end of season 1...

The lawsuit MS would file and win against Sony for using their IP would be interesting to watch, without a doubt.

Is there something stopping you from listening to women and finding something thoughtful to do for them based on what you hear?

I enjoy articles like these. Never stop.

Forza Horizon is a prequel to Mad Max.

If it’s legal for the road to be used by bicyclists, then it is incumbent on drivers to expect bicycles. Just because the speed limit is 60mph doesn’t mean 60mph is a safe speed in each and every segment of that road. If a biker riding legally on the side of the road cannot be avoided by a driver because of obstructed

If it’s a blind bend, then the rule is, if you can’t stop within the distance you can see, slow the F down until you can. There could be a tractor doing 10 mph, a disabled car, or a washing machine that fell off a pickup truck in your lane - the speed or road positioning of the cyclists is completely irrelevant.

I’ll take the Netherlands’ policy, laws and road design thanks.

It is very easy to not hit cyclists.

Every surface level road is a legal road for cyclists unless it’s specifically marked otherwise and you, as a driver, are the responsible party to avoid hitting them.

Even if the bikers were in the middle of the lane, it isn’t legal to run them over.  You have to wait for a legal area with clear and safe sight lines to pass.

DC has tons of dumb shit. Like the Three Stooges as bad guys in Batman. lolz

Dude DC does the same shit. It's comics. It's all ridiculous and nobody should ever take any of it seriously.

I was not ready for this. It’s a lot.

Shockingly bad title for what looks like a solid B movie.