
Calling it time-travel is doing the film a major disservice.

Left turn?

So, I have a question about this.

Well... there’s “use your fingers” right there in the title.

Yeah, that’s a fun message to give someone. “I’m faithful to you ‘cause I feel to ugly to fuck anyone else”.

So, quick question. What was so confusing about Obama’s directive?

Which is why I noted she’s an asshole here, instead of cute like in the animated version.

She walks on people’s work surfaces because she’s a distracted goof.

Aggressive overcompensation.

God, give me the confidence of a mediocre white man.

There’s your mistake.

Yeah. I can’t fathom why anyone who has even been in the same zipcode as a law school would go that route.

I know. Doesn’t mean The Obama administration didn’t push in favor of it, and doesn’t mean they weren’t criticized for it.

This doesn’t invalidate the EO. It just freezes it (so it won’t be enforced) while they litigate if it’s enforceable. That’s why it’s so fast.

In the end, these kinds of things need to go through congress, and the old joke about progress and congress applies.

It’s not.

I’d say damning with faint praise... except it’s Faux News. I’m quite sure they don’t have the subtlety of mind to do so.

You really didn’t hear about it?

Then again, with all that’s been happening recently...Maybe demented goth ballerina should be the in look of the season.

Oh, you silly lib.