
They thought he’d be an useful stooge for the GOP. They did not expect him to be this unhinged, and did not expect Bannon’s hand to be lodged up his ass that strongly.

Well, he did buy the Jags.

Won’t happen.


C’mon, who are you gonna believe? A Kinja troll, or your lyin’ ears?

A - Right. Because Mexico will sign a defense treaty with Russia. While we’re dealing with nonsense, if guns shot lollipops, World War 3 would be a good idea.

Uh... Not a valid comparison. Stupid false equivalences are what make him a putinbot.

4th amendment along a lot of general protections don’t apply at the border. The justification is that you can just turn away and go back where you came from if you don’t consent.

So, uh... HTTP://

Uh, yes, I do.

Not sure if typo, or the truth bursing forth.

Men don’t get to have abortions, why should you, you entitled snowflake?

Ignoring all that concern trolling nonsense...

Not likely by itself, considering WikiLeaks supposedly had some nasty Russian Intel and sat on it.

This is golden.

This, of course, is massively incorrect. That the US did not put boots on the ground does not mean they weren’t anti-NAZI. The US government had been giving material and logistics support to the allies, and they were looking for a politically acceptable way to enter the fray.

As American as baseball and apple pie.

If a social media manager shitposts on Twitter, he’s fired, the tweets deleted, and maybe a retraction/apology posted.

“Them thar darkies be people too”

“Racists are assholes”