
Yeah yeah yeah. Blah blah. Its all fun and liberation and shits and giggles. But as soon as you miss this “consent” bullshit, the rape police come for you. It’s bullshit.

“Close Allies work closely on international affairs of mutual interest, coming right up. But before, the sky is blue, except for some white blotches. Also turns reddish before turning dark. An in depth investigation”.

But... there are literal nazis in the conversation. Like, not just “fascists”, but Knockoff-Hugo-Boss-Wearing, Swastika-toting white supremacists goosesteppin’ to Trump’s beat.

Especially since she has spoken against bullying. At first we assumed it was shade at her boo-boo...

No, I’m just not blinded by righteous rage.

The nation elected Biff Tanned to president.

Ah. Now I understand Trump’s point.

Holy crap! Sorry!

Deists do not believe in supernatural causality as a rule while believing in god.

Jesus dealt heavily with similes and metaphors via parables. Can’t the genesis story be one too?

Same reason that while I love my son with all my life, would gladly die for him and even would be willing to bear all the pain in his stead... I have to let him fall down and hurt himself from time to time.

Problem is, you can find a couple people in this thread ridiculing the believer, too.

Like the Khmer Rouge?

That’s not a definition of close-minded. Close minded means an inability or unwillingness to accept a new or different idea, not “holding an opinion different than my own based on exactly the same amount of evidence as I have”. At the end of the day, it’s pretty simple: Belief in the existence of God is a question

It’s similar, but not exactly the same. It’s about the same as someone asking you out and someone creeping on you all night.

That is privilege. Like, you had the privilege to have a life that allowed you connect with a foreigner willing to marry you, and the resources to do so.

I fully believe the best way for your fears to come true is to not do an audit. Your fears did not come true with Gore v. Bush.

Now playing

No she doesn’t. Care to point to specific actions?

It’s rather understandable. A Play needs have a lot of dialogue and character building and stuff.

So you’re advocating censoring people who don’t like your ideas?