
As a general rule, libertarians love regressive taxation because it’s fair at first glance.

I’m not counting on the New York Times to deal with the crisis in Syria, either.

Don’t know if he was openly a massive idiot back then, or just normal levels of dumb. Or if the race was competitive in the first place.

Except, of course, it’s been widely documented that Johnson is a massive idiot. Between his two Aleppo moments and his bizarre interviews, nobody with an ounce of sense would vote for him other than out of massive ignorance.

The subconscious be a betrayin’ bitch.

Re. #3

That would be so glorious. beating around the bush with the Machado issue sounds so much fun. Also, if he idiotically dares bring up Billy C on his own, I will relish that moment.

Ah, completely in agreement.

My god. Are you that daft? Apparently you are.

We disagree on your conclusion. Sometimes, for some positions, being mentally ill makes you unfit. Depends, of course, on the illness too.

No I’m not. You just don’t understand the mechanics of removing a glass ceiling.

That only applies when businesses are being objective and impartial in selection.

It’s not unlikely to have these kinds of shifts in these circumstances.

Sure, exactly what part of the Clinton foundation do you have issues with?

Quick counterpoint!

Sweet Christmas.

You’re flying very close to Hillary Clinton’s plan, btw. She’s all for Step 2 and 3 (Hasn’t said the exact rate [“significant reduction”], but said that 10% of income should be the limit in repayment). She wants to reduce tuition costs, but I don’t know the specifics other than low-income subsidies.

On that note, 3.5 months of vacation over 8 years averages less than 2 weeks vacation per year.

On one hand, he’s right. He has already been convicted in the court of public opinion, and by now there’s no way to produce much in the way of evidence.

They believe that clean environments will come because market forces, essentially. If we all do what we want, enough people with want to support clean suppliers, and enough people will sabotage the assholes. Fraud is easier to handle. It’s a crime, and outside of anarcholibertarians, they do believe in rule of law.