
Why are all the faces blurred out....?

IO kinda screwed up the first Hitman game; but they really paid attention to what everyone was bitching about and came back with the masterpiece that was Silent Assassin.

@ZaxCG2: Making a brand new 1080p singleplayer one with new, high-resolution graphics.

@dude_crush: Have some patience, man. The 3DS isn't even out yet. The PSP has been out for what, 5 years now? Launch titles always look like crap compared to newer titles. As the years go on, developers learn the little tricks and nuances of developing for a system and continually make their code more efficient,

I hope they've either completely re-done the music or added an option to turn it off. Scribblenauts had, hands down, some of the most generic and annoying music I've heard in a game in a very long time.

@Delano_J: Oh, boo. I can drive my car around and marvel at the reflections and IRL textures on the paint and dash and marvel at every leaf on every tree I drive past in real-life.

So, what, they actually manually modeled each stage of deformation on each of the 'premium' cars? Why didn't they just code some universal deformation engine that uses algorithms that could be applied to ALL the car models in the game......? Surely that would be more space and cost-efficient than making new models for

@boynevs: No Zelda games (or really even Nintendo games in general) have had voice acting so far, beyond Link's iconic yells and everyone else's iconic grunts. I'd actually just be plain weirded-out if a Zelda game had full voice-acting.

@Ruffstik: Just wait a few years and you'll be able to emulate it on PC at absurd resolutions with anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering!

He's right handed ; _ ;

The only way everyone is gonna be happy if is they just remake EVERY FUCKING GAME THEY'VE EVER MADE.

@Maakies: Well excuse me for wanting something new from the franchise!

Not impressed. At all. If Konami make a PROPER, 1920x1080 resolution Castlevania with NEW, hi-res sprites and backgrounds, THEN I'll give them my money. Get this 'reduce, reuse, recycle with characters and enemies ripped straight from the DS and PS1 games' bullshit out of here.

Not impressed. At all. If Konami make a PROPER, 1920x1080 resolution Castlevania with NEW, hi-res sprites and backgrounds, THEN I'll give them my money. Get this 'reduce, reuse, recycle with characters and enemies ripped straight from the DS and PS1 games' bullshit out of here.

"Ubisoft is releasing it"

No thanks, I'd rather just play the original again (with my barely-functioning N64 analog stick) and forget they even thought of bastardising one of gaming's utter masterpieces.

@Dr Durdon: Ninjas, blood and tits - your diagnosis is spot on, doctor!

I feel like they're trying to bullshit me when they're going on about this incredible "real-time physics". What are they actually referring to here? Are they suggesting the animations will no longer look like complete shit and 'steal control' from you by running on an IK animation system? Or do they mean something

@geiko: Oh god. Second'd.

@Aethyr: LOL Yeah, let's all play a game where you DISARM your enemies!