
Why the fuck does Thor even NEED clothes anyway!?

"Is Story Important For Japanese Role Playing Games?"

So, game developers will go and change their game when PETA sends them a whiney e-mail, yet they won't do shit when I send them a whiney e-mail? I've got way better ideas for their games than PETA (which is usually just "TAKE ALL THE ANIMALS OUT PLEASE") but just because my name isn't an acronym they don't give a

The music, the set, the camera angles, the costumes and the action was absolutely everything I could ever want in a Prince of Persia movie. Congratulations Disney, you are getting my money on this one.

Alright! ANOTHER God of War game where I can kill the same enemies using the same attacks with the same weapons for what will be the 5th time in a row now!

@Torusan: lol I see what you did there

Is there NOTHING Konami will NOT do to advertise this game!?!

Looks a little better than Dynasty Warriors; although that isn't saying a whole a lot....

1. Don't use canola oil. Ever.

@MrSnuffles: Ninja Gaiden 2? I've never seen that many legs and arms before. Ever.

If there's anyone with experience in shooting and punching horribly mutated, super strong freakish hulk monsters - it's Chris Redfield.

From my own experience at school, a nerd will get picked on; a buff nerd will not. Get that kid working out as soon as puberty starts spewing testosterone all throughout his body.

Mike, it's ok to swear on the internet. Your mum isn't going to yell at you or anything.

Why exactly does Bubbleman need an oxygen tank....? I didn't know robots needed to breathe.

@Malloc: The first Hitman was a 'forgivable stepping stone'. IOI seem to know when they can improve what they've done with a new series.

Who the fuck plays Atari games with the button aligned to the bottom left!?

Holy fucking shit.....I would kill......HONEST TO GOD I WOULD MURDER A HUMAN in order to obtain that Megaman hoodie.........

@pressstart: Playing Pokemon with the battle animations off!? You might as well just play a fucking calculator.

@Saver: I see what you did there.