@plasticmouse: I want some actual, frame-by-frame drawn animations during battles before I worry about replacing those classic Pokemon cries.
@plasticmouse: I want some actual, frame-by-frame drawn animations during battles before I worry about replacing those classic Pokemon cries.
@edofyingfilms: The amount of fatty tissue contained in the breast is genetically mutually exclusive to the size of the areola and nipple.
Fuck fast food.
They stole it from us.......our precious........AND WE WANTS IT BACK!!
Rooms: The Main Building sounds like THE title to pick up for all hobby-civil engineers!
So now it's Sony's turn to get shitty ports of Wii games! Now the tables are even all round!
@p|-|15|-|: A man and a woman, in Africa, investigating some biohazard, shooting zombies in a "camera over the shoulder" perspective. Yeah. I'd say there's your fodder for legal action right there. Pretty sure this EXACT game has been made before.
@IUHoos: One of them is on the PSP.
@Noodle-Works: Human society and intelligence has evolved to such a point where physical genetic mutations no longer inhibit or enhance a human's ability to survive and reproduce.
I'm very nice to my eyes. I'm rocking an LED-backlit 1080p monster LCD that has my "everything" plugged into it all at once. All the new HD games look incredible on it, but what's more awesome is that my PC (via HDMI) can also play roms that scale pixel-perfect to 1080p and - thanks to the LEDs - have more vibrant…
@jetRink: Hit the nail on the fuckin head. Why does this ONE arsehole have the full power to dictate the direction of an entire industry? How the fuck did this happen??
@neojam: You didn't play King Kong?
If you can get Mr. Perfect, you're probably someone who eats a plate of raw steak and nails for breakfast after a morning workout of saving busloads of children from burning orphanages and punching bears right in the fuckin face.
I don't care what you think - whoever drew that picture was on acid.
That is the single most amazing piece of attire my eyes have ever had the pleasure of processing rays of light from........I would kill to have that jumper.........I would honest to goodness murder a human in order to attain that jumper.
I want Pitfall and Yar's Revenge.
Best fucking doctor EVER.
Poor bastards......
It seems pretty stupid, editing the script so that character instructs the player character to kill the Russians, yet disallowing them to do so...