
@Sakilla: I was referring more to Takahashi Meijin, in the way he couldn't go to certain shady areas or drink/smoke in fear of someone taking photos of him and gossiping, thus potentially completely ruining his public image, in turn his career, in turn his life.

@MrBounce: Being a carbon-based organism will do that to you unfortunately ; _ ;

Man, I'm so glad I'm not famous. It'd suck so much having to live in constant fear that one of your actions could LITERALLY ruin your life.

I think it IS discriminatory to label games based on their region of development. Just because some people don't like all those dime-a-dozen grizzly shooters doesn't mean they should automatically dislike all "Western games" - and just because some people don't like all the special effect-ridden "calculator in

@Friedhamster: If marijuana was involved, all they'd be reporting on was how hilarious Tiger found Thundercats and how many packets of chips he ate.

I thought this game was pretty good for a PSP title. It featured everything I liked in Assassin's Creed: brutal, satisfying combos, impressive inverse kinematics in climbing animations, music by Jesper Kyd - while fixing some of the things I hated in Assassin's Creed: improved emphasis on stealth gameplay, GTA-style

Only in Japan.

This would be intense playing to some hardstyle or hardcore. So considering it. #odbeatdrop

How the fuck do games like CoD and Wolfenstein where you can violently blow ACTUAL HUMAN enemies' bodies to bits get classified as MA15+, yet a zombie game like Left 4 Dead gets refused....... #left4dead2

I remember the game being so stiff and near unplayable; but the music on the other hand was fucking awesome.

"I don't think any state employee there gives a crap anymore. Not that I blame them."


@N●Gage Croal: The "upgraded Megaman option" is more or less the Protoman mode. Enjoy sliding around while charging your Mega-buster (Proto-buster?) with THAT mode.

The sad thing is: if I want more Hitman, I'm gonna have to buy this piece of crap....

Brian - ANY photo of you is a gift to the internet.

Fuck you Australian government. If you're gonna put fucking bullshit laws like this though that censor our freedom of choice, I'm taking my contributions to GDP somewhere the fuck else. Like Seoul. They can get fucking 100mb+ per second speeds for about half the price I pay for 1mb/s here in Ausfailia.

Fucking Japan is at it again.