
Get it while it's hot! :3

Hey Brian~! Thanks a lot for the review! ^^ I was one of the programmers of this game if anyone has any questions! But here's some quick deets for you instead - it was made by a team of 4 over 7 (kinda full time) months in Corona SDK. Mid-way through development one of the artist's girlfriend had their first child,

You were already forgiven <3

I didn't know Claude Speed could talk!!!!

Those trees will probably mutate, gain sentience, develop sea-faring technology, travel to America and spew their radiation-sap of revenge all over the joint.

@Gildon: With Megaman!

That was the coolest fucking thing I've seen all internet.

I don't want to play a new Elder Scrolls game unless it also contains exactly the same voice actors for exactly the same races throughout the whole game.

I could die a very happy man if I got to show off playing Mario while Shigeru Miyamoto watched behind my shoulder.

I want a game where scientists, engineers and economists from Korea and America all meet together and work to solve common problems faced by both countries and implement mutually beneficial solutions where both countries end up in a better state than beforehand.

What's the point of having all those graphics if your fingers are constantly blocking half the fuckin screen anyway?

I asked it once and I'll ask it again: Can I punch tigers right in the goddamn face in this game?

@TheOvermatt: I can no longer watch any other video on the internet because I know I will never see anything as great as this for as long as I live.

Do Capcom actually make ANY of their own games any more...?

This poor bastard is never NOT working on a Metal Gear Solid game. What have Konami done to him...?