
I've actually heard of that! It was a practice with Victorians as well, I believe... along with making jewelry out of the hair of the deceased, if I recall my British lit studies...

Thanks for the warning. I am a very visual person, with a near-photographic image memory, and I also have OCD. Animals and their welfare are big triggers for me. (I've told Mr. Fabulosa that if he ever leaves me, it will be his fault there is another crazy cat lady in the world!) When I see things like that, it gives

Ok, sounds better than RR presented; thanks for the info. I must admit, I still don't get the posting of the pictures though, just like I wouldn't want to see pictures of dead humans at their funeral on Facebook. I understand in-person viewings/funerals for loved ones, as a way to closure and acceptance, but I just

I hope the shooter get shredded by 100 German Shepherds with steel teeth, and takes a liking time to die. R.I.P. sweet goggie!! I would love to go send sympathy to the owners on their page, BUT: According to your warning, they POSTED PICTURES of their shot, dead dog??!! WTF?!? NOT going to look, don't want that

My sister and I are fourth-generation Southern cooks. We both keep jars of that porcine "White Gold" in our fridges, and our husbands know not to throw it out under pain of death. My friends always ask why my veggie dishes and fried chicken are so damn good, but I refuse to tell. ;-D

THIS. I had similar problems when I was online dating. I learned very quickly not to bother with a bunch of emails or texts; get to an in-person meeting pronto with anybody who seemed at all interesting, so I would become a real person to them, not just a name on a screen. Otherwise, the dick picks and sex questions

Walking at the mall one day, I witness two teen boys SPITTING and hocking drool over the second-story railing, aiming for people below. I followed them back to where they were meeting their mother. I happened to have been wearing my teacher's ID around my neck, so I ID'd myself as a teacher and took great pleasure in

Now playing

forgive me if you already knew this, but juuust in case you didn't.... It's an "Anchorman" reference. Anchorman - "You Stay Classy San Diego":

More for me, then :)

Diced apples, cut about the size and shape of candycorns; a small can of crushed pineapple, drained; raisins, soaked in hot water for 2-3 minutes to soften, then drained well; celery, diced small; chopped pecans. Enough light mayo to make it all stick together. My momma's Waldorf salad, and Heaven on a plate! Reduce

The delivery part is the problem. I live in Miami, and the only delivery choices in my area are Dominos and Pappa John. I REFUSE to give that dochenozzle a red cent, so Dominos it is.

Noooo!!! Am I the only one still worried about radiation??

I have to admit to only opening the pockets in my dress pants half-way and leaving some of the stitching in to keep them from gapping over my fabulously-proportioned (wide) hips... but they DO make women's dress pants with real pockets!! I bought them at Kohl's, and I think they were Dept. 12 brand... I lurrrrve them!!

Can anyone explain why I ALWAYS get sat at the table next to the kitchen door? Even if the restaurant is empty? Mr. Fabulosa didn't believe me when I told him this on our first few dates, but it finally sunk in after about the TENTH OR ELEVENTH TIME we were sat right next to the kitchen door, and it STILL happens,

And if you are out alone and get hit by a bus and get knocked out, how are the authorities supposed to know who you are? Not trying to be snarky, just asking a serious question! I have family in law enforcement, and always hear stories of the "John/Jane Doe" from that crash who is in a coma... no way to notify

Our libraries provide a key-tag card along with the regular-wallet-card. That thing is awesome! (But I still carry the wallet card too!)

Yup, I have zero problem with that!

If the last names and/or addresses match, her ID could help confirm that they are married. Also, the police should be able to demand ID of anyone they interact with, as a factor of officer safety. That law in Cali needs to change, if that is the case.

Uh, 'cos he could have been lying to cover being with a prostitute? If they ID one, they should ID all!

But if she did nothing wrong, then why is it such a big goddamn deal to show your ID? Jesus. I am so sick of people being difficult just to fuck with cops. Say you are married, the cops sees the addresses are the same, done deal, everybody walks away. People need to GTFOver it. If they HADN'T done this, then the