
ok, sorry, not-a-sports person here, but what is with the $2.70 donation amount? What does that symbolize? (Not trolling, just uninformed...)

....and this is why I read books! Good old, battery-free books! Two paperbacks weigh less than laptop, probably cost less than that cardswipe to use the screen, and new titles can be purchased at any layover!! #RealBooksRule #TurnOffTheScreens

Um, if you are only frying your chicken for eight minutes, you are eating salmonella sauce... you need to add 10 - 12 minutes to that cook time!

I do something VERY similar to this, but add in some chopped chicken pieces for a more visible protein (cooked in the bacon fat) and add a can of diced tomatoes with jalapenos. Awesome eats!!

Not dissing your opinion, just adding to the thread... I'm a middle-school teacher, and if I had BabyFabulosas, they would hate me: No way in HELL would my kid get a smart phone from me until college, and no phone at all until at least 8th grade! I see waaaay too many kidlets looking at bad stuff because you just

Now playing

Your brother, and my husband: Boomhauer's brothers, I guess.

What's scary to me is that kid is NOT a first grader, but supposedly a 3-year old! DAMN that's a huge kid!

Reminded me of this:

This! I bust out my high-school home-ec sewing skills and put waist darts in sooo many shirts...

You might get a laugh out of this blog: (She also has a "master post" with a lot of plus-size resources!)

Then what is the point of a women's only gym? If you aren't women ONLY, you shouldn't be allowed to advertise as such!

True, you are right; I was trying to work it out with him. At the time of her asking me that, I did not know that he was cheating, only that he was acting really weird, causing us problems. I will always wonder if I had confided in her, if that might have changed things. I SURE he told his parents all kinds of lies

One of my biggest regrets is that I never told my (majorly Catholic) Ex-inlaws that their wonderful son cheated on me! When former mom-in-law asked me if we were having problems, I thought I was doing the right thing keeping it between me and him, but oh I WISH I had told her!!


How about the women's gym I joined on a quiet afternoon... (not too many people when I signed up) that when I came back to work out the next day had 8 - 10 MEN walking around. I went to the desk and asked, "When is a good time to work out when these men aren't here?! I thought this was a WOMENS gym!" She popped her

LOL, while I agree with you, I think starting a food fight in the teacher's lounge might negatively impact my performance review.... %-P

I'm a middle school teacher, and the cafeteria food tends to the brown/beige category EVERY DAY. The one thing I would eat from there was the delicious steamed broccoli and carrots (steamed with butter, but still better than beige pizza with gubmn't cheese.) I would order four or five orders of veggies, a trayful, and

I know that I ended up in the hospital several years ago with non-stop vomiting for over 12 hours from bad chicken a la king; I seriously wondered if I was going to die. So, yup, a bit of a germaphobe, yes! It was not confirmed to be salmonella (small town E.R.), but according to them, many of the symptoms matched,