
Those first two workarounds are terrible advice. Nobody should bother with either of those.

That’s always my issue with RPGs, if not done right missions can feel like filler. They need good story or mystery to back them up. I would rather play a movie on rails á la Uncharted than umpteen empty fetch quests.

Of a somewhat different stripe but still pretty nasty in implications. 

Fun fact: Watch Dogs is one of two games I’ve played that I never finished. I stopped playing because of how patently awful it was. The other was Alan Wake.

Reading this hurt me. Like seeing someone else do something so embarrassing that you feel embarrassed in return.

“Designed for gamers by gamers.”

Destiny 2, the sequel to a video game in which you travel through space, wishing for Destiny 2.

Jason, the thing I am going to miss most is your intro lines to this game. I feel like you should bring them along with you into Destiny 2, but only keep the visual elements and leave behind everything else. It seems like the best way of creating what you want, but keeping your fans happy.

For me and my raid group it’ll be a fun weekend and a nice bit of closure to three years of this ridiculous, terrible, fantastic video game.

I always advise people never to spend less than $750 on a laptop anyway. It’s an entire PC, with screen, peripherals, sound, etc.... plus, portability aint cheap. the smaller electronics get, the pricier they get.

“Entry level” “$800"

piracy is never a reason for lower sales. I firmly believe that people who pirate on console is a very tiny, tiny %

dont. They’re still a terrible company that pays extremely poorly and offers little in the way of benefits. If you want to work retail you’re better off with a tech company’s retail arm (Microsoft or Apple) or a grocer (if you’re on the east coast try Wegmans or Publix, both are excellent to employees)

I really needed something like this story this week.

Great news; your efforts just made a lot of people’s jobs easier. Thank you, Jason!

The vast majority of Pewdiepie’s fans are children. And children are stupid. They’re not emotionally mature enough to fully grasp nuance or context. They see Jacksepticeye criticizing his actions while also voicing support, and all they understand is “Jacksepticeye talked shit about Pewdiepie.” They can’t see how

I went in hating the title, and while I’m not 100% on it still, the game does some work in explaining why anyone would call something that.

A PS4 game has different graphics than a ps1 game from 20 years ago?? UNREAL!

I want a proper ffvi, iv and tactics remake. Only we’ll never get em because theyre not as popular as ffvii,viii

Please god no. That FFIV remake was hideous and the camera was zoomed in up your ass the whole time. If we get a VI remake it needs to be like the PSP FFIV remake

What? Episodic FF VII? Really? I’m intrigued. Why exactly are you awaiting this remake?