
“I need to know where my hacked cameras are and where to place trip-mine like trap rivots.”

Yea, what Kovitlac said.

Your stuff has been a little too hot-takey for me, but thanks for the efforts.

Future DLC possibility?

I’m amazed at how many bullshit apps and games even want so much access to so much of your personal info and things on your phone. Most of that for Uber makes sense. I’m not sure why they’d need your contact list or media file access and that’s pretty shady but I’ve seen some games that want basically all of that and

Those kinds of people blow.

You know what’s the real menace on the road that nobody wants to call attention to?

Burger king + tex mex = diarrhea squared.

If you’d played the first Titanfall at length, this would have been a mostly negative review. While I can see it being entertaining for newcomers, it’s a few steps back from the original. Titan combat is very limited and comparatively dull, the maps aren’t designed for constant parkour, and aside from a lot of smaller

So why did we decide that Instinct was gonna be the one we all dunked on?

And that’s why I won’t invest any money into this app. Spend money on something and the app deems you a cheater even if you’re playing legit...


All the production value in the world won’t change the fact that the Pokemon anime is not about narrative growth for the protagonist.

His house exists in the real world, not the internet.

No, he’s on the internet. He has no right to privacy.

Nintendo fucks up online mode, news at 11.

Yellow, Green, Blue, now Red. Yup. Dragon Ball also wants to play Pokemon.

They have no grip on this series, and the animation is still spotty. Even GT had better progression for its arcs.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 are the best entry's in this series and the only two worth playing.
