
The X series was the best IMO. Had a great art style, a great story, lovable characters, and good music and Gameplay mechanics that still feel fun today. Sad they never remade maverick hunter x 2 and 3 for psp.

Seriously. They should just outsource their next project to Nintendo. It would probably do them world’s better. Ironic enough that the Final Fantasy that Nintendo never even received, features the poster boy of many people’s first dip into the series (I grew up with IV and VI)

You hit the nail on the forehead Forreal. I was a translator for diplomats for 5 years living in Musashi Tokyo and did TDY bilingual assignments for the Air National guard everything that you said is spot on. Most good western games don’t get the attention they deserve simply because they aren’t Japanese made. The

Funny how the most faithful amd best looking cloud to the original is cloud from smash Bros. Best physique and more muscle mass than the new remake and spin offs, visually a much better representation down to the core. Looks most like what you’d expect from ‘SOLDIER’.

Motion rate is crap, 60hz is perfectly fine. Disabling auto motion plus solves Jutter. Few of these mid ranges TVs even run at a true 120hz, most just pretend to by means of processor tricks.

Motion rate is crap, 60hz is perfectly fine. Disabling auto motion plus solves Jutter. Few of these mid ranges TVs

That Samsung 6400 is a really good TV, and for that price, it beats out the competition hands down. I’ve done a lot of research and homework on HD TVs for the black Friday sale and for the price, the 6400 4k TV is well worth it.

That Samsung 6400 is a really good TV, and for that price, it beats out the competition hands down. I’ve done a lot

I’m not happy that I have to purchase Twisted Metal Black again after I have already purchased it on the PS3, but because it’s a really good game, it deserves a much bigger audience and the series deserves more games so I’ll buy it to show my support to one of PS2s greatest games and most creative too.

The brother hood of steel is a crock of shit. It’s an order of selfish motives and false ambition. Their moral compass is fucked. I’ve explored the entirety of their order by siding with them in fallout 3 and 4. They only care about securing technology and self preservation buy means of genocide, and find the will to

His story is vague, but it sounds like another common case of too much video games and not enough ‘life’.

Everyone’s ragging on you, but I think it’s true. Sometimes you just need to put the controller down and get outside. Too much long sessions of gaming is just unhealthy and just like anything else out there, too much of anything is bad.

Character Animations still suck, cloth simulated physics aren’t as great as most modern titles, frame rate on console sucks ass.

Opposite to last generation, the CPU side is now the bottleneck of this gen consoles. So far 3 sandbox games have had extremely volatile frame rate (fallout 4, the Witcher III, and this game), but at least the Witcher III has gone through post launch patches and optimization.

Final Fantasy III (6 jp) costed me 72.99 when it first hit stores. Got chrono trigger for 65.

Being a man,I know for sure that some men are affected by porn to the extent that they can become tired of their woman sexually. Back when I was 19, I dated a Japanese chick who came to Hawaii for college and although I was physically attracted to her and the chemistry was strong, the sex was boring. Being that I’ve

From a technical/graphical and art perspective it’s nice, but I can’t recommend this game, based on pure Gameplay and content. It’s not very fleshed out, and much too simplistic with its mechanics. Fun for 30 Minutes and mehhh.

No, actually, I’m confident and fine. You just misinterpreted and took it like it’s a self esteem thing, but I’m empathizing for his chick, the article ain’t about me.

I’m not white Knighting and I’m definitely not naive enough to believe that most porn isn’t consensual and not pleasurable to women, and if they both came to the agreement of watching it together, that’s fine.

That’s exactly what she’s doing. I’d bet my left nut she’s cheating on him.

You already lost the moment you said you’ll likely slide back into your bad habits of watching porn.

now I can live out my Fallout Fantasies as role playing Frank Horrigan!!! Fuck yeah!!!