
Its very saddening indeed. Metal Gear V would have looked even better if they didn’t bother with the older consoles too. I was hoping for a new Zone of The Enders or a Castlevania running on Fox engine.

My response wasn’t about glitches though. The glitches are fairly minor so far from what I’m experienced. I was addressing the technical issues of the graphics on the PS4 and how it isnt properly optimized for both consoles. Example, I ran into the sewer hall way and the frame rate plummeted down to around 15 frames

This!!!!!!!! A million times over, well said sir.

I made the mistake of buying the PS4 version and expecting the bare minimum of a locked 30 fps.

The 280x is a Beastly card for what it costed and it’s baffling that a gtx 760 and 960 can outpace it here. Thanks gameworks, horribly unoptimized for AMD.

You’re talking about the art direction though, he’s no. He’s talking about the technical side. Character models are lacking lacking, lower quality screen space ambient occlusion, low quality textures, geometry and other assets, and of course, the animation. When you place this game next to other open world RPGs like

But it is old and clunky and it shows. I bought it on PS4 despite having a decent, PS4 comparable budget minded PC, alower mid ranged PC with a r9 270x Gpu and fx 6300 Cpu, both running on stock with 8gb ddr 3 ram. My Gpu only has 2 gbs of vram and given its humble setup, it’s largely comparable to the PS4 which also

Here, we have a very impressive update for the Xbox gamers aaaand——Meanwhile, I still can’t play my Playstation store purchased Suikoden 1, 2, and ogre tactics on my PS4, let alone, All of the ps2 digital games.

I find it even more shocking that it’s the O.G. Cloud. Holy shit! Lean but still ripped, face, hair, doesn’t look like a tranny on hormone pills.

Buying a steam machine makes absolutely zero sense. You’re better off Making a small/mid form factor Pc with cheap parts so you can swap Cpu, ram, and graphics when you need to upgrade, then get a wireless keyboard with finger tracking pad and a Xbox 360 controller. There, now you can enjoy Pc gaming in the living

I screen capped these images from my PS4 playthrough today. This is clearly awful. Ugly ass textures everywhere. It’s a mixed bag of ‘decent’, to just straight up, ‘garbage’. And don’t think that the PC’s textures are any better. It’s a generally ugly game and should be held to a much higher standard. It’s barely

The performance profile o PS4 is extremely disappointing. Then again, Bethesda games have always had a history of sucking on consoles. I ran both Fallout 3 and oblivion on a cheap Pc alongside the PS3 versions with comparable Gpu specs and a dual core processor and they ran much more smoother. Every console release by

Good god, it looks awful!

Glad you’re playing the SNES version. All the other versions are disgusting.

Hey! It’s actually going to feel like a complete game now! Wow! :D

In other news, water is wet.

Rule number 1: Be attractive
Rule number 2: Be good looking
Rule number 3: Don’t be unattractive

If your face is ugly, go to the gym until you’ve developed the body of a Greek god, then walk around with douche bag confidence and you’ll be bathing in cute chicks.

I didn’t say any of them would be keepers tho....

Saga Frontier, Final Fantasy V, Ogre Battle 64, Final Fantasy Tactics, Secret Of Mana, Xenogears, Star Ocean 2....

WHY are they not on your list?????

I took Adderall one time when I was lifting heavy weight in the gym. I was doing single armed preacher curls with 75 lb dumbells and I never experienced such mental intensity and focus in my life. I spent 3 hours that day in the gym, super setting an arms routine and gave myself a mere 45 second break in between my

“Game developers can be sexy too, you know”