
Rule number 1: Be attractive
Rule number 2: Be good looking
Rule number 3: Don’t be unattractive

If your face is ugly, go to the gym until you’ve developed the body of a Greek god, then walk around with douche bag confidence and you’ll be bathing in cute chicks.

I didn’t say any of them would be keepers tho....

Saga Frontier, Final Fantasy V, Ogre Battle 64, Final Fantasy Tactics, Secret Of Mana, Xenogears, Star Ocean 2....

WHY are they not on your list?????

I took Adderall one time when I was lifting heavy weight in the gym. I was doing single armed preacher curls with 75 lb dumbells and I never experienced such mental intensity and focus in my life. I spent 3 hours that day in the gym, super setting an arms routine and gave myself a mere 45 second break in between my

“Game developers can be sexy too, you know”

20 bucks for that? Are you serious? Nobodies still outraged at this? A few skins, bull crap weapons, EXP bonus and emotes, for 20 BUCKS!?!? These things should be in the regular expansion, not a bullshit extra 20 bucks. Lololol, fuck you Bungie.

I guess everybody is entitled to an opinion, regardless of how delusional they are... I’ll bet his body is way nicer than yours, and I bet he could pull a lot of women off that body.

His body is dry as hell. He looks like he’s running a light steroid cycle of oral tren. maybe some clen and a T3. Nice physique and all dry too.

His movies suck so bad...

But then I watched Rampage....and I like it. I thought it was pretty good. The leading actor was good, and the second movie was good too. It was over the top and silly, but I couldn’t believe Uwe Butt hole did something decent, wow!

One day....

Hey! The U.S. still get’s great box art! just look at thi—-.....

/walks away

Are you afraid of losing? Invasions is a major part of the Souls franchise and one of the greatest mechanics as to why I even play.

From Software should ‘Soft’ ban ‘B’ Team from even making another Souls game after what they did with the level design and Soul Memory.

Why not just fight them?

I cried when General Leo died in FFVI...

I laughed when Aeris died. Guess I was more of a ‘Tifa’ guy.

I love that some characters obviously had their specialties that they were meant for, and some also have the ability to be versatile. Rufus could master guns and sword skills quickly, Red could master sword skills and martial arts quickly, and Emelia could do guns and magic easily.

Hated that Red couldn’t be obtained

God bless you for mentioning Saga Frontier. One of the greatest PSX RPG’s.

This is great news. To me, Gears Of War was the reason I bought an Xbox 360, and the first truly, ‘Next-Gen’ game that came out on it. It was so amazing to see how good the game looked and played, the motion blur, nice textures, detailed world.

I also liked the hyper-masculine look of the characters. Everyone looked

Now playing

NO! Just. NO!!!

Only one game ever used that amazing song properly, and that game was legendary.

Playing as Scorpion because i’m disappointed at the lack of Human Smoke and Reiko. Why no Reiko!?!?

Bunch of bull shit that has been tried with Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 and Killzone 2 reveal trailer (even though the final release game still looked amazing in it’s own regard), I wouldn’t count this for anything.