
No. You are wrong. They are Sou Shoku Kei Danshi. They are NOT Niku Shoku Kei Danshi. They should be Niku Shoku Kei Danshi, because Sou Shoku is girly and lame, and tiring. Nomura-san sucks.

Who seriously gives a shit? People that jealous or something? Go get all buff and get 22 inch arms and a six pack and v-cut, style your hair, and stream shirt less. There, problem solved.

Damn, the Dream Cast is a beast! First console to ever have Arcade Perfect graphics, last console to die in the test.

Try breaking the Dream Cast controller. It will hurt you. That thing is made from some kind of mythical plastic.

The graphic bitching will never go. It's been going well since Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis were clawing at each others throats.

What's good for the geese is not good for the gander.

It sounds more like you're missing the point. It's 2015 and the graphical quality of a game should be held to higher standards,

It was a nice, warm, welcoming hello too! Can't wait for the full game release. Between that, Bloodborne, and updated Dark Souls 2 on PS4; I can live out the rest of this year, happily.

Only other thing I need in my life is a new Zone Of The Enders.

It's a 'Meh' for me. If you grew up with SNES and some of the PSX games, chances are, you won't care much for this.

The fanboy goggles are on strong for the crowd though. Everyone flipped out over Mighty Ramuh taking up the map and cooking a tiny lightning bolt on the terrain, but yet i've seen more technically

Yup, I couldn't agree anymore. I can't stand the girly weaboo look that Nomura thrusted this series into. Series went to hell after IX, and is continually spiraling down. I'd be surprised if they actually release a game with men characters that are actually rugged and believable. I'm utterly sick of this 120 lb, metro

THIS times a million!

I would warn you about all the clamoring fan-boy weaboo filth that infests these threads, coming to pick apart your honest thoughts, but i'm sure you've already seen them. People hear have fan boy goggles on, evidently, because I felt what you said was pretty much, on point. For me, FFX was the last enjoyable FF.


As expected. Most Japanese games these days just suck when it comes to in-game visuals. Seems like fewer and fewer can even keep up with the Western devs when it comes to the actual technical details of how good games look.

It's a part of the games mechanics. It was intended that way. If you detest it so much, maybe your 12-year-old-ass should go back to playing co-op Super Mario World.

Sad that your shitty post got 12 likes. You should all go have sex with each other.

griefing noobs and casual scrubs is thee main reason why I love soul games. Dark Souls II got in the way of fun for me with world splitting and soul memory, but it didn't stop me from making 5 clerics across multiple soul levels and memory to grief anything I could. I usually don't like being a dick head in games,

Can't get into any modern JRPG's at all. I still occasionally go back and play Secret Of Mana, Alundra, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Suikoden 1 & 2, Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI, Breath Of Fire II, and Ogre Battle 64 (naturally), but rarely will I touch anything past the PSX era.

Not only do I find the in-game graphics

Nvidia still playing hardball with their shittier GPU's I see. Anxiously awaiting the red teams new line up. Been near a year and a half since we've seen anything new, and most of the mid-ranged GPU's were overclocked re-brand's.

Are they not capable of making pretty textures? Good god, it's like they used Dreamcast as a template and worked from there.

Such amazing technology they must have that he has staples in his head. Wow!

There isn't enough going on here to warrant a full $60 purchase. $20-25, maybe, but not a full price game.