
Really? I remember the graphics war being a very big thing back in the days as well. People sought after arcade perfect graphics, getting gimped console versions. Snes vs Sega was huge on all fronts, including graphics. Mortal Kombat Sega version with blood code and faithful fatalities VS snes version with superior

He'd fit the body if Tien more than he would, Nappa. He's swole, but he's much too lean to be Nappa.

If only I could patch in the ability to gain steroid-like results from the gym without actually having to take steroids.

What? GTX 960 runs it better than an R9 280x? Yet another game favoring Nvidia. I see very capable AMD cards losing. Sad... Hope some patches and drivers will offer more performance, there is no reason why the R9 270, 270x, and 265 should be getting the same FPS.

Releasing new, separate shards for Crota gear just inspired more idiotic grinding. Materials grinding, normal shard grinding, faction rep grinding, daily quest grinding, weekly heroic and nightfall grinding, raid grinding, glimmer grinding, misc. currency grinding (strange coins and motes of light, crucible marks,

I agree completely!

I should have done more research as to who this Nerd cube guy is. Never heard of him before, and I accidentally gave him a precious click on his Youtube. Wish i'd had read more into it before I blatantly clicked away, like all those pesky Greenlight consumers, giving the go on shitty games, right?

Nobodies forcing you

The graphics in the article-mentioned game could actually pass for GBA too, hehe.

This! A million times over.

I've logged around 60+ hours and haven't even beaten the game because it's boring as hell. Littered with crap and no substance.

Master race gaming in a nut shell.

Lol at people caring about this games lore. I'm too busy getting alt-characters to level 32 and talking shit about it, putting it away, and coming back for strange coins.

Maybe he forgot to ask for the PS3 version and got the PSP version instead.

I don't even know where to start. Your logic ray must be broken, since you've taken something so simple, and broken it down into something completely different.

"All you effectively said is that to save lives, we must take lives that include innocents."

No, I did not say that in the least. I said, "Every battle will

No, James Foley and Steven Sotloff are not collateral... Nobody forced them to be there. They knew the situation was dangerous there, and had they both looked back a decade as to what happens to people like them if they get caught, they wouldn't have been sticking their noses there in the first place. They died of

From what i've gathered, both of these Japanese individuals are just that, individuals. They acted on their own accord. One of them is a rambo-wannabe security contractor who got a taste of weapons and ordnance training and tried to offer services back in Japan, but got no luck. The other dude was a.... oh... yeah...

Nobodies screaming to do anything, and that's the problem. Too much political bullshit, far left wing vs the far right wing, not enough action, and not enough support. The troops aren't getting enough support.

Your proposition sounds worse. More innocents will die if allied forces stay out, and guess what, this shit

After reading about the two hostages and how they got stuck in this situation, they really dug themselves their own graves. They had no business being in one of the most dangerous places in the world right now, and despite what's been happening in that region over the last thousand years, it's like you get burned for

Every battle will have collateral, and that can never be avoided. How about the thousands of innocents being butchered by ISIS? What's a better solution? Send U.S. troops on the ground with close-in air support? Build low collateral damage depleted uranium precision guided missiles and send them sailing towards

They had better not give them the money. Give them death instead... 200 million? Give it to the U.S. for more air strikes and kill as much of these pieces of shit as you can!

On a technical level, Killzone 2 and 3 look amazing! They hold up really well, even today. Killzone 3 went crazy on texture detail, love it.