
Did he do a speed run to purchase engagement ring?

You think that's bad? Try watching Tom Cruise speak Japanese! (you probably, more than likely, already have, but I just.....I....)

Also, in my honest opinion, I thought The Interview was a really shitty-ass movie. I'm pretty easy going when it comes to movie, but I thought that movie absolutely SUCKED. It was more

My cat jumped on my SNES while I was level grinding my Characters to 99 in FF VI. The sprites went psycho, Terra turned into General Leo, Setzer turned into a dancing moogle, everything completely froze up, and lastly...

I almost fucking killed my cat.

Last Nyko product I bought. I learned my lesson.

Excremental value~!

Eventually, people in Africa will die of thirst, because not enough people will be able to take enough shits to keep this turd monster alive to produce water.

By Bo Moore

Good news. Hopefully Xbox One owners get more with platform parity. Can't wait to leave last-gen behind completely though, so games start actually looking next-gen, and not just like upgraded last-gen games.

I guess it sucks, but I just went and played Suikoden I and II instead, and got out of the house and kept myself busy with....


Is your avatar, 'Kat', from Breath Of Fire II?

Why did I come back to this game? I camped hard and completely crashed, losing all desire to play. Then, the new DLC came out, and i'm spending every piece of free time I have, playing it. 2 characters at lvl 31, one with 2 pieces of raid gear.

What the hell am I doing? Why am I re-submitting to this awful grind fest I

I hated 13. Everything about it, actually. Grew up with FF I, IV, and VI (personal favorite). Liked VII, wanted to like VIII, but couldn't. Liked IX, thought X was "ok", but that's it. Pretty much everything else after that, I've disliked, strongly disliked, or hated.

I feel like the FF main series is stuck in limbo.


A big issue with the delivery of Hatred, is it's completely Tacky, and it takes it's self very seriously. Cheesed out dialogue, trying to resemble a manifesto of real killers, trench coat references, the gritty atmosphere, music, and the overall scope of the game; a suicidal maniac guy, fed up with society who just

Game looks kinda tacky, but I liked the music that plays in the second half of the reveal trailer. If only Capcom knew how to make music in newer Resident Evil games like that.

Now playing

You seriously need to play this game. Play it until you like it. Trust me, you will come to love it.

I love Saga Frontier. I make it a point to replay all Scenario's at least once every few years. Saga Frontier deserves so much more appreciation then it got.

2002-2003, the time of decent RPG desperation, longing and hoping for solid RPG's to come my why while playing Diablo II PVP freakishly. I followed Unlimited Saga pretty closely, but it's such a shame the game was complete shit.

That breaks my heart. Give it another shot, I love Saga Frontier.

OMFG! I can't even believe i'm reading this right now. I've been so, utterly, disappointed in Squeenix for a long time now, but this? This is the greatest news i've heard in so long. I pray to Black X, that this game will follow in the glorious ways of Saga Frontier (the first one, not the second). Although Romancing

Game has turned into utter grind questing. It's gotten out of hand. More and more dailies. They will consume you. Dailies are the darkness. They exist to make you feel like you're going paces, but you aren't. Pray to the RNG gods all you want, but the only thing that awaits you upon faction level up, is glimmer and a