
What is it gonna take to run this game and get it to look like that? Even in the game play footage, it was only able to sustain 60 fps a fraction of the time. seemed like 30-60 fps, volatile. I'll probably have to get another r9 270 and crossfire it.

Same. I don't find anything appealing about a single one of his shit video's.

"I gobba go fayust~!"

Can't wait for it to run at 15 fps on all platforms.

Gawwwdayum! If there is anything I miss about Japan, it's definitely Country Ma'am cookies. Those things are just too damn good, especially when they're microwaved. Especially since the milk in Japan tastes super good too. If their amazing cookies are anything to go off of, I bet that drink tastes like heaven.

Damn Weaboo's and Jap-o-philes ruin everything.


Welp, I guess it's nothing then!

"Try me, bitch!"

Pretty fucked up that Kotaku sent out the Unity review and didn't even really get into how horrible and atrocious the frame rate really was. They made light on it. Tons of reviewers did, until the community started bitching about it, now Eurogamer is reporting every patch to see if the performance is up to par yet.


Poor horse, he's a fearless bastard. Takes 500 foot jumps off of mountain tops and gives zero fucks. He didn't even flinch at my jumping tea-bags.

I thought it was really awkward that my characters hardly ever talked to each other, and when they did, it was usually during weird situations, like when i'd be trying to jump up a mountain hill and molest a goat.

Think I found something to your durable standards.

They announced that they are making an unannounced RPG that they're going to start announcing that it is being announced in December.

I'll try not to set my expectations from Squeenix too high.

My R9 270 overclocked can run this better than a GTX 760? Lol, Nvidia is such a rip off!

Bought the game on PS4 though, would rather prefer a locked 30 over volatile frame rate. Last gen consoles are still holding graphics back. variable textures, stiff animation, no motion blur?

No motion blur??? Why, Bioware?

But a $350-400 PC cannot match the PS4/Xbox one. I have an R9 270 and an FX 6300 overclocked to match a factory overclocked R9 270x, but I couldn't run Dragon Age with stable frame rate at Ultra settings at 1080p. Not to mention the volatile frame rate, DRM, and patching.

If I tuned the settings of my PC to the closest

YES!!! I KNEW THEY'D ANNOUNCE IT! It's about time, too!

Please oh god, make it run at 60 FPS pc maxed. after 4 Clerics and hundreds of hours of PVP, there are just so many things wrong with Dark Souls II in it's current form that I can't stand anymore, and would revert to Dark Souls and Demons Souls in a heart beat.


Gamestop, refining it's trolling abilities.

I haven't played an Assassin's Creed game since AC:2. Played minor snippets of Brother Hood, nothing sparked my interest until this. I just want to play as a Templar and kill Assassin's (and Ubisoft for utterly ruining Templars).

Yeah, I moved out of the Hinterlands at level 7, and you know what happened? I barely survived the fight with 'Envy' on normal.

This was hilarious. I lost my shit when Iron Bull says, "Oh for fucks sake." Then again at the end, "Kadan. My heart." Passionately grouping the main character.

Greatest game romance scene, ever.

I could just imagine Freddy Prince Jr's face while recording these moments. Josephine looks like a little freak, i'd love to