
Dragon Age: Origins was a completely unoptimized mess on every platform. Xbox 360 version had weaker textures than PS3 and screen tearing, but it ran at better frame rate. Ps3 version frame rate was so bad, it stuttered all over the place at any given time, hardly hitting 30 fps with sudden nose dives into the lower

Straight up Suikoden 2 and i'm loving the look. A recent 2D game that actually doesn't look like it was made in MS paint!

The excitement is killing me. I'm hanging at the PS4 menu right now, watching the count-down timer. Human Male Templar....must.....kill...mages!!!

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Nah, PS4 could run that.

Makers breath! Bout time! I've overplayed Dark Souls II, Infamous Second Son, and Destiny (regrettably) long enough.

I was that asshole who convinced people I didn't care about, that their, "Disc Read Error" PS2's were truly broken, and that there was nothing they could do but sell it for parts.

Hehehehe... I bought them off these suckers for 25-50 bucks. Nobody knew that with Q-tips, rubbing alcohol, and turning that stupid plastic

Exactly. Still issues of disappearing objects after destruction, severely limited object distruction, background environments being completely static and don't react to your character touching it.

Maybe what Crysis did back in 2007 was just way to remarkable? Turning the original Crysis back on, even today, it still

Glad you mentioned it. Object clipping and animation in general still looks, 'meh' too.

Sunset Overdrive, an example of the beauty of exclusive power.

I think i'll end up getting the PS4 version since the textures and main assets are pretty much a high/max mixed combo of PC. Sustainable frame rate will make the difference. If PS4 runs at 30 with zero to few frame drops, I will likely stick with it. My PC

Watched the video from start to finish, twice. Paused in critical area's, and after close observation, it appears that the Xbox One version runs at a lower resolution (900p) as they said it was going to. A little bit more aliasing on the Xbox One, and sometimes the textures look less clear. PS4 and PC match

You can still be bald and good looking. Grow and shape a nice beard, and pump some iron, put on muscle mass and tone out.

Also, confidence! Drake looks like a retarded alien, Lil Wayne has the facial structure of a baby hammer head shark, and they think they are gods gift to man. I'm sure they'd still think they're the

Was it supposed to? Valkyria Chronicles came out on PS3 in what? 2008, was it? It's 2014, and I could count on one hand, how many JRPG's i've taken interest in, since 2008 (Valkyria Chronicles being one of them).

"I gobba go back"

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This guy would laugh at his own shadow. "Urr hurrr....hurrr hurrrr... look at teh math guissse~! 4v6!?!? 4v6!!!!", he damn near had an orgasm at the end of the video.

I don't want JRPG's if they are going to look and act like cheap, Saturday-morning-anime, with palette-swap's of the same, cliche characters.

Japanese dev artists need to re-invent themselves. There are far too many JRPG's that are just ruined by poor art work. I would love to see more JRPG's. Ni No Kuni looked fun

PS4 = FX 6300 + R9 270.... Basically...

Ubisoft blames PS4's CPU as the bottleneck, and the primary reason as to why the game runs the way it does. Of course, it has nothing to do with Ubisoft making horribly optimized games since PS3/360. Even the late, 'Splinter Cell: Blacklist' looked awful and had screen tearing on

This game is a technical MESS! Both consoles run at 900p, and both have major frame-rate issues, control input lag, and disgustingly variable frame rate, highly inconsistent. Ubisoft has been struggling to make games look good and run decently since 2007.