
There sure isn't. Art direction is still a WoW looking piece-of-shit, with artificial customization, shitty sound/art design, underwhelming campaign and content. No PVP in vanilla release, always online, short campaign, gimped loot system, shitty and completely forgettable content.

I wouldn't even call it a Diablo game.

Far easier? Doubt it. PS4 is still unique hardware.

On point there, and didn't the original Xbox have a claim to being more "pc-like" with development?

It looks like it was made by Sega. The visual design, facial animations, shit...even the blood splatters. A visual feast from 2007.

They should just bury Ratchet and Clank and move on. Left overs taste like shit after a while.

Although i'm happy to see a new Rainbow Six, I can't "fuckin" stand watching Ubisoft at E3. They somehow, usually manage to have a few embarrassing people up there, or embarrassing presentations. The workout game is a damn gimmick, and the guy presenting it is so full of shit. All I could think was "Do you even

YES! Bring back P.E.C.

Mega Man X3

Yes, please, ditch last-gen consoles so we can get better graphics/performance, and so I can turn those old turds into dedicated emulator machines.


Shut the hell up with that Gay Oppression bull shit! This isn't the 19-fucking-60's, spare me! Stop fucking feeling sorry for yourselves, acting like you're the only ones being treated poorly when laws are being passed in tons of states in the U.S. that work in YOUR favor.

You're no-damn different than overzealous,

It's ridiculous to be ranting, complaining, and making petitions over a game! Not happy? Nobody told you to purchase it.

They cry and bitch, endlessly about it! Can I get baptized in this game? How about marry my computer? Can I attend church or say nightly prayers?

"Wahhhhhh Nintendo!!! Why you no do this for me!!!!"


It's getting really fucking annoying. Their shit is completely one-sided, with everything. They ask for tolerance, yet fail to give it in return, sounds like a crock of shit to me!

It should be, but it's not. Just a bunch of cry baby little bitches going "WAHHHH!!! WHY U NO ADD GAYY!?!?!"

I dunno, but I would replace Soul Blazer with Tactics on that list, any day.

All I ever play!