
"Dey shud make dis foa da Wii-U~!" "I wish dey put teh Wii-U~!" "Y U NO WII-U~!!!"

Too bad, so sad, sounds like a bunch of Wii-U hopefuls that don't have a decent PC and rolled on the wrong console this time around with high hopes and expectations in regards to tech specs.

This game is just an example of things to come

They aren't afraid to take a chance, it's just common sense that they won't. Who wants to take a chance with a lose-lose-situation? The Wii-U is not anywhere near current standards when it comes to tech, and has it's own problems trying to match the graphical fidelity of PS3/360 games.

And Yeah, sounds like they

Well, maybe if Nintendo was smart enough to have made stronger, more capable hardware to match other next-gen consoles, there would have been a Wii-U port. There's an obvious reason this game is coming out for next-gen consoles and PC only...

The graphics on this game are far too intense for the likes of the Wii-U. The

I could care less for most of the PS Vita indie library right now, honestly. Trine would have been really good on the Vita. More PS2 to Vita games, maybe classics like Dragon Quest VIII, Champions Of Norrath, Romancing Saga.

I enjoy my Vita and spend a lot of time on it. It's the best handheld to enjoy classics on,

Yeah, honestly, I really don't care for most indies. I use my Vita for some of those killer first party apps like Killzone, and then for PSone classics, PSP classics, etc.

Hee hee! We shall see!


Why it qualifies: I make nothing but pure faith Cleric builds across the span of many levels in order to keep consistent PVP matches and invasions going, participating in countless duels, arena battles, etc. For every 10 people I kill, I die once or not at all. My obsession of role playing the Cleric in all

Haha! I totally forgot about this! I swear I watched it over and over and over again back in 07-08, lol.

Yes, I do. In fact, my first experience with Final Fantasy was on the original NES, at age 4, wondering around and getting killed by everything, getting lost, exploring, accidentally walking the peninsula. Then FF IV on SNES, and then FFVI on my birthday at age 7. Even at early ages, those experiences I had with Final

Now playing

Then... Who made this? This song always used to scare the piss out of me.

LMFAO!!! I totally forgot about this piece. Owwwww it hurts, I can't stop laughing!!!

Too dramatically over-the-top for my tastes, too much violin (even though I enjoyed in games like Chrono Cross), there's just too much going on at times with too many sounds and awkwardly chosen instruments to do the part.

Out of all of those themese, I did think 'Agnes' - Winds Direction was the best though.

That game was Chibi in 2D. Chibi ALWAYS looks better in 2D. These models look like NBA JAM big-head mode. Like the Chibi from FFIV DS (which I wasn't a fan of). I can forgive this game though, because it's the first serious RPG from Squeenix were every guy doesn't look like a 12 year old drag-queen.

My GTX 460 started giving up the ghost so I just upgraded and jumped ship to AMD. My GTX 460 started making metal hissing noises towards the end of it's life span and developed rust marks were it could, since I live in Hawaii and nothing lasts nearly as long as it would in the mainland.

I actually just upgraded from my 2010 GTX 460 1 GB model to a R9 270x 4GB card. I tend to keep cards for a 3 year minimum before making a jump, it's been working pretty well that way since 2005.

Marry? Deified as a god? Sounds more like the Catholicism, or the Catholic Church to me. There's only 3 sources of supreme power in Christianty, and that's the God head, or two others, the trinity. God on the top, Holy ghost and Jesus side-by-side. Some christian religions believe they are all one person (which I find

LMFAO!!! So. Damn. True!

Chrono cross was so different in every regard, that if they just changed the names of characters and omitted the 'Chrono' reference, it could have been it's own thing. The story and the completely different art direction with no 'Akira Toriyama' in it were the biggest down falls of that game.

RPG shooter? Shadowrun on Genesis and SNES have done that long before. I never did play the second game because I heard bad things about it, but I loved the first Parasite Eve. The song that plays in the park when you're running around after everyone dies still haunts me. I didn't know the game was based off of the

When I first bought Parasite Eve when it was brand new, I immediately thought to myself that it was indeed, a Resident Evil piggy backer. I was pleasantly surprised by how well it turned out to be. It had it's scary moments, creepy atmosphere, and terrifying music, but also turned out to be a pretty good RPG.

Exactly. Everyone wanted more FFVII and Square gave them just that, at the expense of ruining it... Every thing FFVII that isn't on the 3 discs of the PSX game, can go to hell! Totally ruined the art, characters, story. So much unnecessary shit.

And then they tried to ruin my beloved FFIV with The After Years and