

Haha, true. Especially when you go back and watch it, it's much easier to see it's flaws. Sean Bean should have had a bigger role, or have been the main character, since he's one of the big AAA actors who's actually really good. Shit got real "WTF?" at the end in the church with the whole barbwire scene, lol.

Yes, and these easy mode fiends should be subject to standard invasion against the cold, hateful lot of us who want to prey on them.

Easy mode? Seriously? Is the game really THAT hard to people? I understand the first few hours being a little tough, but after you learn stat allocations, dodging, timing, blocking, and paying attention to your stamina bar; the game isn't all that bad.

I actually thought the previous Silent Hill movie was way better than all of the Resident Evil movies combined!

China's looking for a new spot to store some underground nukes n' shit!

Yeah these movies suck royal ass! Can't believe they still make this shit.

Now that decent SSD's are getting much cheaper, i'm going to purchase 2. One for my PC and one for my PS3. My PS3's factory HD is getting is starting to get ridiculously slow, so instead of cleaning it up, I figured i'd just cloud save anything important and wipe it clean, use it as a back up USB storage HDD, and just

I purchased PS + a few months after it first came out. Back then, it was just 'alright', but now it's much better. The content available is much more vast and the deals are much better. Had I the gift of prophesy, I would have purchased a years with of PS+ around Jan 2012, and collected all those bloody free games and

The most graphically inferior port, worse frame rate stability, patches that come out half a year late, and an expansion 2-3 months late. Wow... That's shitty as hell!

Mode 7 was some real trippy shit! Playing Super Castlevania and you make it to the 4th lvl were you're stuck inside of a rotating spiked chamber and you have to hang, it wouldn't have been that way without mode 7. Walking and flying the world map of FFVI always looks good, Chrono Trigger 2300 a.d. racing, Secret Of

Lol! Oops, I made a typo! I mean't to say Epic but put EA insead >_<"

Since EA recently bought out the Bullet Storm devs, does anyone think there's a chance we could see some multiplayer skin DLC' of Colson, Ishi (a.k.a. 'Sushi Dick'), or the mad general? I'm one of the few that really liked the Bullet Storm cast, and being able to play as the general, having him drop his hilarious

Face-wise, that Kazuya looks pretty good! If only he could stack on 30-40 lbs of muscle, that would be near perfect!

I'm glad you wrote this up. These are some of my most favorite games of all time. I've had them all on game boy and played through them countless times. Although inferior both graphics wise and system wise, the first Saga was my personal favorite. Don't know if you forgot about it, but 'Mutants' actually gain stats

Diablo III in it's current state, is just filled with fail.

You couldn't escape these bloody advertisements in Tokyo! Nintendo advertisements were out in full-force on the JR trains in 2008-2009. Those women, smiling and enjoying their bloody little DS on a mute monitor, followed by those Monster Hunter PSP commercials of raccoons waving signs.

Lmao! I do this to irritate my co-workers all the time. I'll barge in the middle of their conversation and go "You're a ______!!!" Then the silence comes and they stare at each other confused, and I just look at them and say "Ya... That's right!" And stroll off.

I want more FF Tactics (not fluffy, bunny, gator game spinoffs on handhelds), and people want more FFXIII??? I'm moving to the moooooooooooon~!!!

Gawwd, after playing the PSP remake, I put the game away because the additional after years content is absolute shit on all fronts.