"Periodically Recursia would span minions along the outer edge of the arena."
"Periodically Recursia would span minions along the outer edge of the arena."
Don't you find it odd that he left one of the dogs as they no longer posed a threat? If he had the sole intention of killing a live animal for the fun of it, he would in no way whatsoever "allowed" one of the dogs to live. If you've ever worked on a farm you would know the threat animals pose to your livestock and…
Oh look it's the hematology doc from scrubs/Hiro from Heroes
I always thought a re-surfacing of classic Bullfrog titles would be awesome. I was wrong, for the good of the company and many a child's memory burn all evidence to any Bullfrog games ever existing, in fact who are Bullfrog and what is this Theme Park you speak of?
Would your politicians ever call for a referendum on the issue like they did in Iceland? My fears from what you said of them earlier would say no. I've known of Farage for a while yes but never took too much notice of his politics (he's in a party called UKIP - U.K. Independence Party) and some of their general views…
In twenty years the joke will be these people won't have a video game to play, I'm looking at you invasive DRM!
It's the same across most of Europe unfortunately, here in England we have a collation government no one voted for, increasing age in pensions and contributions for public sector, more unemployment, highest national debt per person in the G20. The quicker the Euro as a currency collapses the easier it will be to see…
Rest easy girls, for there is a highway to the heavens and you have all the time in the world...
Also known as the Berlusconi effect? He done a lot of ravaging and pillaging si?
In other news: Italians everywhere woke up this morning with a strange pain in their groin, they're not sure why and we can't confirm either... Just something, something didn't feel right.
If you're a nurse and your name is Joy then you're getting a rise! (and it's not fiscal *wink*nudge*)
Even more technically the friend paid for the software license, all it's contents are still owned solely by the developer and/or publisher.
Haha, somewhere a Bethesda Lawyer is frantically pressing the print screen button and putting the image in a folder called evidence...
Not exactly.
Knowing The Sun they would have a new headline "Microsoft Gives Hush Money To Hacked Gamers"
Because PC gamers held the monopoly on big games for a long long time before consoles like the PS2 and Xbox became the lead platforms for most games. It's facing a very clinical demise, I mean developing for PC has ALOT more headaches for a developer (cost, bugs, piracy, longer development time etc..) Do you see how…
I don't think so, aside from the issue of weather or not the stylus is pressure sensitive you also lose out on editing and formats recognizable by a PC (.ai, .eps .psd ect...) after you upload it to the uDraw site. It does look like a nice training tool especially if you suits your style of learning vs reading from…
If the plan was to piss off DM readers, well excuse me while I go buy 50 copies and slip them into tomorrows edition of the paper with the words "Free Historical Interactive DVD" scribbled across it.
"Max Payne 3 includes a throwback to the graphic-novel-style storytelling of its predecessors by occasionally breaking up some of its in-engine storytelling sequences into multi-plane comic-book-style frames."
Ah thanks, in fact I lost an hour of time heh!