Anyone know the name of that thing? Could easily see me wasting 20 minutes reading up about it.
Anyone know the name of that thing? Could easily see me wasting 20 minutes reading up about it.
"Let's face it, there is no such thing as "medical" marijuana. "
By head tracking you mean while the player is driving right? If not then that's what it does, seen a few demos of it working, looks fun.
Lmao, sorry I just have this image of a kid sticking this to his fridge and playing it and people looking through the window offering their condolences to the embarrassed parents.
Was just thinking of this and seeing the latest F1 2011 dev diary. Can't wait to see how rain soaked races with the SC make the game twist and turn.
Rocket Propelled Grenade...? Wait that's not right. :/
Oh you've made me the happiest Russian KG...errr guy in the world. To season three!
Sounded like Nolan North's Ezio with a middle eastern component notched up to 11
*takes a look at username*
Am I the only one who sees Nicolas Cage after the film career dries up and he's forced into other forms of entertainment?
We've had tornadoes and earthquakes, but they're as British as us in regards to their apathetic nature lol
Ridiculous yes but earthquakes truly are awesome, how else would you describe nature churning billions of tonnes of rock in opposite directions to cause a shake big enough for tiny peons such as us to physically feel it? People may misuse words in terms of context but they're still right in a way.
I'll be playing the 3DS in a wet and muddy field, see if I've been missing out on handheld consoles!
You know what? I give up, you win FIFA, I look at the charred remains of the once beautiful PES and just think enough is enough. You've been knocking at my door for years now and I will submit. To PES my teenage fling, I love you and always will but the spark is gone.
@ SaanZ That sounds like something a terrorist would do, you're not a terrorist are you now...ANSWER ME. [/uneducated fool]
I remember this game from long ago, It ended up being the inspiration for my online handles. I am now the online persona you see as Grim Fantango, the portmanteau of Fanta and Tango two orange flavoured soft drinks available in the U.K.
Two things.
To slip a Red Dwarf reference is just...Brilliant.
"If The Register is to be believed"