
@BigDaddy0790: 64, It's a PiTA on only a few occasions. I guess it also depends on what you use your computer for. General gaming, surfing, workhorse? Most software has caught up with 64 -bit to either work cohesively or have a specific version for your needs.

@ssjChris: You have no idea how sad I was after spending an hour looking for the disc. Only to see I had rehoused it in a non-descript white folder. The key, she is gone. I refuse to pay for the game twice even if by my own stupidity :/

Had to jump back on Steam to see what they currently have. Section 8: Prejudice, cheap fun and it tastes oh so like the Tribes games. Fallout 3 or Fallout NV, haven't played the latter but the former was great.

Apologies it's been a long time since I've seen Spaceballs, I am dissapointed by myself. :(

worse than "password"? Surely not, the problem is a large majority of people get lazy with passwords. Especially if they're work related therefore deemed a minor point.

Well if it's good enough for the Americans then Jean Claude Van Damme would like a word - []

@MegaShark: I like your thinking! Prideful selfishness. I'm with you.

@zelfmoordkonijn: Ken, you're in a parallel universe. One where a new System Shock gets made. Make sure it reaches the right