
For Duncan Idaho, you should capitalize swordmaster. As he is a Ginz Swordmaster. Which is why he focuses on finesse.

Hey, I think plenty of people want to see Jason Momoa sex fight a Honored Matre

There is also the Trivial Pursuit reference. And maybe a Taboo reference?

This is some shady “win-win” bullshit for the dark money donors. Either they are paying for organizations to commit voter fraud that helps elect politicians they want. Or the organizations get caught and there is finally evidence of voter fraud to continue pushing Voter ID laws to keep people from voting

if white people use whatever they use to keep illness at bay handy

Well it wasn’t just “accidentally shooting a gun, in his own home, towards just gaming equipment, that didn’t hurt anyone”

Is there a calculation of how much torque is needed to turn the small end? Would also love to see a chart of equivalent forces by length of what that torque is equal to.

While, yes, the president’s comments are mathematically correct, and experts in the field have said similar things. What he is implying with his statements is EXTREMELY wrong.

See, many rich and powerful people have commuted crimes or said or done horribly offensive things. And with the invention of social media the general public is now capable of voicing their outrage about this. Many of these comedians have made jokes or statements about how it is wrong that the public is trying to hold

“Hello OPPO” also feels like it is just copying Lenovo’s ad campaign/app “Hello Moto”

I don’t know about using a virus for The Wolfman or Hyde.Those stories are more about civil society vs wild chaos. A man becoming an animal of the forest. Or a civilized doctor turning into a violent criminal.

There are a number of US companies already making them. I work for one

that the Founding Fathers weren’t white supremacists; that slave owners weren’t racist because things were “different back then”

You got all the responses wrong.

You should add to the Bump note that it is also on Sale on Steam today. 25% I believe

Something occurred about the Baby Yoda. If Yoda was ~900 when he died and the baby is about 50.. that makes the baby about 1/18th the full life span of a Yoda.

That or Auto Erotic Assimilation. The one where Rick meets up with Unity again and falls so far into his own depravity that Morty and Summer realize he is a horrible person. And the episode ends with Rick failing to kill himself because he knows he is a horrible unhappy person.

To highlight how ridiculous these people are, just imagine they are talking in a similar fashion to a serious crime:

Well apparently it is because Blizzard tells them “don’t get too exited and jump around, because the trophy is designed to come apart really easy”

No. The only change to the amount of eridium dropped is that normal enemies have a chance to drop 1 eridium. So you don’t really notice any difference