
I agree that Tucker should be confronted at every opportunity. But bullhorns outside his home at night, is questionable.

1. This one just comes down to how the US Government works. There is plenty of space to debate over which is better, but as it stands each State makes is on rules on how elections are run, while the Federal government does have some requirements per the Constitution and Federal law.

1. This would be a drastic change to the way our government is set up. As it is, you never vote on Federal or National issues. You only ever vote on our own representative. Additionally some states have a different form of government than other states and having the Federal government dictate how a State runs its

In my 20ish years of voting, I was always kind of jealous that other States used fancy voting machines and I always got a piece of paper and a pen.

Were there no measures or propositions on your State or Local ballots?

Years ago when I was in college, I voted by mail for California for absentee voting. When I read the instructions it explained that votes by mail were only counted if the total number of votes by mail was greater than the margin after counting the votes from polling centers. Now I know California has since changed the

As someone who worked at a martial arts school and regularly instructed 4-6 year olds to put on padded gloves and hit each other in the face. I feel like maybe the issue is one with a bit more legal ambiguity.

Which is probably what “There was insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that any laws were

I am sure you would agree that if you asked for a restraining order against another person because they had said multiple times they planned to kill you, that has legal merit. Sure they didn’t actually try to kill you, but saying over and over they plan to break the law is something that the legal system should be

I mean.... I am glad that some people are going to get to join Destiny 2 for free. And for just $40 they get all the DLC and can get right into the game.

Well to add to that, on average about 20% of your water intake is actually from eating. So if you are stranded and don’t have food, you are going to need more water than you normally would drink. Plus you are going to lose more water sitting outside in the elements than inside a climate controlled room. People

I’m kind of a big deal, too.

I am red-green colorblind and I find these cups offense. Do I win anything?

Because there’s not much difference when you get hit in the face with a rock.

Video clip of an immigrant that killed 2 people 4 days after an American citizen shot and killed 11 people. Sure, immigrants are the issue.

They fired DJ Durkin this evening.

Given the time period that the Cthulhu Mythos was written and the themes, I am not surprised nobody these days thinks they are scary.

... we have diseases spreading across the country that are causing polio-like paralysis of our children...

This one I can agree on. There are certain candies where King-sized can throw off the ratio of ingredients and ruin them. Reese cups is one, the giant size ones just aren’t as good. But it can go the other way too. Fun size Butterfingers aren’t as goods as a regular. And the tiny square Snickers are bad, the ratio is

That and he left out a very important part: Fictional. People dressed as fictional murders and killers. Not as actual fascist dictators that lead the institutional murder of millions of people.